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Mesonoemacheilus petrubanarescui (MENON, 1984)

May 23rd, 2012 — 1:41pm

Type locality is ‘Netravati River, Dharmasthala, Karnataka State, India’, with the species subsequently recorded from the Kabini (aka Kabani) River basin and it may be endemic to these two drainages.

While the Netraviti flows through Karnataka in its entirety before emptying into the Arabian Sea just south of the city of Mangalore, th…

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Homaloptera ogilviei ALFRED, 1967

May 18th, 2012 — 7:55pm

The reason that the paired fins are orientated vertically, as opposed to horizontally in other members of the genus, is unclear but Roberts (1989) suggest it may be an adaptation to this species’ ecology, in that it displays a preference for submerged vegetation or woody structures as opposed to rocky environments. They’re certainly adapted for a rea…

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Gastromyzon introrsus TAN, 2006

May 17th, 2012 — 10:11pm

The type locality was a fast-flowing, shallow (50 – 80 cm deep) river between 5-10 metres in width with a substrate of gravel and large rocks. PH was measured at 7.7 and the habitat was unshaded with on…

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Paracanthocobitis mooreh (SYKES, 1839)

May 16th, 2012 — 12:01pm

This species is still considered a member of the genus Nemacheilus by some sources, but it was reclassified and placed in Acanthocobitis by Grant (2008).

Acanthocobitis sinuata, generally considered a junior synonym of A. mooreh (Kottelat, 2012b), also appears distinct and differs in geographical distribution plus number of dorsal-fin rays (2-3/9-10 in A. mooreh vs. 2/8-9 in A. sinuata) and some aspects of colour pattern.

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Acanthocobitis sinuata (DAY, 1870)

May 16th, 2012 — 10:37am

A. sinuata is currently considered a synonym of A. mooreh by most authorities.

This appears attributable to a lack of recent study since the two differ in distribution plu…

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Barbonymus gonionotus (BLEEKER, 1849)

April 17th, 2012 — 12:51pm

The genus Barbonymus was erected by Kottelat in 1999 and contains former members of Barbodes from southeast Asia. The type species is B. schwanenfeldii and currently there exist only three other representatives; B. altus, B. collingwoodii and B. gonionotus.

The latter two are rare in the hobby although an SF member has kept B. gonionotus in the past so they are worth looking out for if you harbour an…

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Yaoshania pachychilus (CHEN, 1980)

Panda Loach

March 13th, 2012 — 1:26pm

Juvenile specimens were first exported for the aquarium hobby during 2009 and have since been available on a sporadic basis with prices generally reflecting its rarity and, hopefully, number of specimens being collected. The striking black-and-white-striped juvenile colour pattern inspired the vernacular name although it’s sometimes labelled as ‘panda goby’ rather than ‘panda loach’.

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Canthophrys gongota (HAMILTON, 1822)

Moose-faced Loach

March 13th, 2012 — 1:26pm

Mostly known from slow-moving, relatively shallow tributaries and minor rivers with substrates of mud, sand or gravel. Aquatic plants are only occasionally present but riparian vegetation apparently grows thickly at some localities.

In the Schutunga River, part of the Mansai River drinage which is itself a tributary of the Brahmaputra in West Bengal state, In…

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Homalopterula ripleyi (FOWLER, 1940)

March 13th, 2012 — 1:26pm

Fowler (1940) described this species as the unique member of his new genus Homalopterula on the basis of a single specimen, separated from related genera by the curved shape of the jaws, truncate caudal-fin and scaleless ventral surface.

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Parabotia lijiangensis CHEN, 1980

March 13th, 2012 — 1:26pm

It’s told apart from congeners by a combination of characters as follows: large scales present on body and sides of head; caudal fin deeply forked with subequal lobes; 10-13 dark, vertical bars on the body; a dark, ocellated spot in the centre of the caudal-fin base; two bars on top of head, dorsal-fin with two rows of greyish spots; caudal-fin lobes with 3-4 dark bands on each; anal-fin with one indistinct band and another, more distinct, submarginal band; ventral fins with two indistinct bands.

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