Stance adopted by a spawning pair in certain fish species in which the two individuals come together in such a way as to resemble a capital letter ‘T’. Typical in some callichthyid catfishes, for example.
Glossary: t-position
Glossary: tactile
Of or relating to touch.
Glossary: tail fin
See caudal fin.
Glossary: tank
See aquarium.
Glossary: tankbuster
Vernacular term applied to fish species which grow to large for the vast majority of home aquaria. Most commonly appear in the trade at a small, and therefore more saleable, size.
Glossary: tannin
Any of various yellowish or brownish solid compounds found in many plants and used for various commercial purposes. Derived from gallic acid and also known as tannic acid. Often present in water bodies with large amounts of decaying vegetation or where the underlying or surrounding soil contains peat and responsible for the typically brownish (tea-coloured) […]
Glossary: tautonym
A binomial, scientific name in which the genus and species names are the same, e.g., Tinca tinca.
Glossary: taxon
A taxonomic group or category of any rank, such as a species, genus family, or class.
Glossary: taxonomic
Of or relating to taxonomy.
Glossary: taxoomy
Classification of organisms into groups in an ordered system based on natural relationships; the practice of arranging organisms in this fashion; carrying out classification.
Glossary: TDS
Commonly-used abbreviation of total dissolved solids.
Glossary: teleost
Any member of the infraclass Teleostei, a large group of ray-finned fishes containing most of those with a bony skeleton.
Glossary: temperate
Of, relating to, or denoting a region or climate characterised by mild temperatures located between the tropics and polar circles.
Glossary: temporal
Of, relating to, or limited by time or the material world.
Glossary: temporary hardness
Refers to the portion of hardness in a water body arising from the presence of dissolved calcium hydrogencarbonate and magnesium hydrogencarbonate. These become less soluble as temperature increases so are removed when water is boiled, for example. Temporary hardness is sometimes referred to as, but is not equivalent to, carbonate hardness.
Glossary: tendon
Band of tough, fibrous, inelastic connective tissue that connects a muscle to a bone. Primarily composed of collagen.
Glossary: tentacle
Slender, elongate, flexible, unsegmented, usually tactile or prehensile, process extending from the body in certain organisms.
Glossary: terminal
In ichthyology, situated at or forming the end of, e.g., a 'terminal' mouth is located at the anterior-most part of the head.
Glossary: terminal margin
In the fins of fishes, the space between the subterminal margin and fin tip.
Glossary: terminal mouth
Mouth located at the anterior-most part of the head with upper and lower jaws of equal length.
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