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Garra rakhinica KULLANDER & FANG, 2004

October 22nd, 2014 — 10:09am

G. rakhinica can be distinguished from other members of the genus by the following combination of characters: rostral furrow shallow and snout tip smoothly rounded; rostral lobe present, proboscis absent; scaled predorsal region, chest, and abdomen; two pairs of barbels; 28 lateral line scales; 16 circumpeduncular scale rows; colour pattern almost uniform greyish on body and caudal-fin; a dark spot immediately posterior to the upper extremity of the…

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Garra poecilura KULLANDER & FANG, 2004

October 21st, 2014 — 10:30pm

The Naung Pin Thar Chaung is located in a hilly area mostly comprising bamboo forest. In 1998 the water was clear, colourless and flowing at a moderate pace over a substrate of rocks and gravel. It was 1-2 metres wide and maximum depth was only 0.5 metres.

Due to the surrounding forest some stretches were shaded and others more open. Sympatric species included Garra spilota, Homalopteroides modestus, Mystus pulcher, and Xenentodon cancila, plus…

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Garra rufa (HECKEL, 1843)

Doctor Fish

October 21st, 2014 — 5:32pm

Fish referred to as G. rufa are marketed worldwide as ‘doctor fish’, with the questionable ability to remove dead and scaly skin and ease complaints such as psoriasis. These fish are quite commonly available in the aquarium trade as well, although in both cases it is unclear whether they represent G. rufa or another, related species.

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Garra qiaojiensis WU & YAO, 1977

October 21st, 2014 — 10:42am

G. qiaojiensis can be differentiated from closely-related congeners by the configuration of its proboscis, which is quadrate (1.6-1.8 times wider than long), reflected downwards against the snout and heavily tuberculated anteriorly, and the relative size of its mental disc which measures 48.7-55.9 % HL.

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Garra orientalis (NICHOLS, 1925)

October 20th, 2014 — 5:09pm

Among other Garra species from Southeast Asia and China, G. orientalis is most similar to G. salweenica and G. fuliginosa in that all three possess a roughly triangular, trilobed proboscis on the snout, the anterior margin of which is densely tuberculated, and the inferior margin not in contact with the depressed rostral surface, i.e., the proboscis projects forwards.

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Garra notata (BLYTH, 1860)

October 20th, 2014 — 4:10pm

G. notata is one of a number of congeners to lack both a transverse groove and a proboscis on the snout. It also possesses 33-34 lateral line scales and a series of dark spots at the base of the dorsal-fin rays, and lacks scales on the lower portion of the body and abdomen.

The genus Garra is a particularly enigmatic grouping with new taxa…

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Garra nambulica VISHWANATH & JOYSHREE, 2005

October 20th, 2014 — 2:58pm

This species is diagnosed by the following combination of characters: body moderate sized; head squarish; no proboscis or transverse groove on snout; mental disc length 96.9% its own width; pre…

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Garra mullya (SYKES, 1839)

October 20th, 2014 — 1:55pm

This species is endemic to and widespread within peninsular India, where it has been recorded from the states of Gujrat, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Orissa, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Goa, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala.

It is thus found in numerous river systems of which some of the most important include the Tapti, Narmada, Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna, and Cauvery.

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Garra mirofrontis CHU & CUI, 1987

October 20th, 2014 — 1:28pm

This species is characterised by possession of a transverse groove on the snout, directly in front of the eyes, and a bifurcate proboscis with a conical keratinised tubercle at each anterior tip.

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Garra kalpangi NEBESHWAR, BAGRA & DAS, 2012

October 20th, 2014 — 11:45am

G. kalpangi is distinguished from other Garra species from the Himalayan foothills by the following combination of characters: two pairs of barbels; a weakly developed proboscis represented by a squarish area anterior to the nostrils; 16 circ…

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