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Gymnochanda filamentosa FRASER-BRUNNER, 1955

June 15th, 2013 — 3:51pm

G. filamentosa has appeared in the ornamental trade but is evidently delicate and therefore recommended only to experienced aquarists.

It can be told apart from congeners by the following combination of characters: possession of filamentous dorsal and anal-fin rays in males; body transparent to translucent yellowish-brown colour in life; absence of a highly-extended second anal-fin spine; absence of carmine-red pigmentation in the dorsal, anal an…

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Gymnochanda verae TAN & LIM, 2011

June 15th, 2013 — 2:59pm

A densely-planted tank with floating vegetation and roots, twigs or branches and natural leaf litter would seem appropriate.

There’s no need to use natural peat, the collection of which is both unsustainable and environmentally-destructive.

Filtration should not be strong with an air-powered sponge-type unit ideal, and given it naturally inhab…

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Rhinogobius giurinus (RUTTER, 1897)

June 14th, 2013 — 11:26am

This species appears to exist in a number of different forms which exhibit differences in colour pattern, morphology, or both, and it’s currently unclear whether all of them are truly conspecific or not although to avoid confusion we list all together here.

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May 1st, 2013 — 1:49pm

This species was considered a colour form of the closely-related B. imbellis and commonly-referred to as ‘black imbellis’ prior to description due to its blackish opercle and body.

It’s also previously been confused with B. splendens due to the colour of the vertical opercular bars which tend to be reddish (but may also be pale red, greenish-silvery, plain silvery or without colour in some populations), but DNA analysis has demonstrated it…

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Betta dennisyongi TAN, 2013

April 30th, 2013 — 12:17pm

This species is available in the aquarium hobby but is not traded in large numbers and may have been inadvertently hybridised with the similar-looking congener B. rubra prior to its description since they’re typically exported mixed together.

It’s included in the B. rubra group of closely-related species within the genus, an assemblage erected by Schindler and van der Voort (2012) who…

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Parosphromenus sp. 'Sentang'

March 3rd, 2013 — 6:59pm

This fish has been widely available in the aquarium trade in recent years and is sometime referred to by the invented name P. ‘sintangensis’.

It displays a close resemblance to P. bintan and another unidentified fish known to aquarists as P. sp. ‘blue line’ although the inner bluish bands in the dorsal, anal and caudal fins are perhaps a little narrower in P. sp. ‘Sentang’ than the other two.

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Parosphromenus tweediei KOTTELAT & NG, 2005

March 3rd, 2013 — 5:59pm

This species has been known in the aquarium hobby since the mid-twentieth century but has almost always been identified as the congener P. deissneri and appears as such in the majority of aquarium literature.

It can be told apart from congeners by the colour pattern in adult males (see ‘Sexual Dimorphism’) plus possession of 11-12 spinous dorsal-fin rays, 13-14 spinous anal-fin rays and 6-8 segmented anal-fin rays.

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Parosphromenus quindecim KOTTELAT & NG, 2005

March 3rd, 2013 — 2:54pm

This species has occasionally been traded on a commercial basis and was known as P. sp. ‘Manis Mata’ prior to description, with the latter apparently referring to a location some 100 km away from the type locality where the fish do not occur.

It’s said to be slightly easier to maintain than the majority of congeners and is therefore a recommended choice for those ne…

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Parosphromenus ornaticauda KOTTELAT, 1991

March 3rd, 2013 — 11:12am

This species has occasionally appears in the aquarium trade in substantial quantities but is not an easy species to maintain in captivity and often susceptible to disease post-import.

It’s sometimes sold as ‘ornate licorice gourami’.

It’s among the smallest members of the gen…

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Parosphromenus opallios KOTTELAT & NG, 2005

February 28th, 2013 — 9:32pm

Endemic to Central Kalimantan (Kalimantan Tengah) province, Borneo, Indonesia although the full extent of its range remains somewhat unclear.

Initial collections were from the southwestern tip of the province, in the Jelai Bila river basin near Sukamara and Lamand basin close to Pangkalan Bun, both of which are tributaries within the Arut drainage, while it’s subsequently been recorded in the Benipah river system further east.

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