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Nannostomus marilynae WEITZMAN & COBB, 1975

Greenstripe Pencilfish

October 26th, 2012 — 4:51pm

This species is also known as ‘Marilyn’s pencilfish’. It’s rarely traded in numbers and more often seen as bycatch among shipments of other species, particularly Paracheirodon axelrodi.

It can be identified by the following combination of characters: three dark lateral stripes (sometimes referred to as primary, secondary, and tertiary); nocturnal oblique bars relatively narrow, with the anterior bar reaching, but not extending past, the anterior base of the dorsal-fi…

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Brachyplatystoma vaillantii (VALENCIENNES, 1840)

May 6th, 2012 — 6:44pm

This rich feeding ground is exploited until the sea water returns, at which point the catfishes begin to migrate upstream in massive numbers, moving up the Amazon and its tributaries. Sexually mature individuals are not normally recorded during these events so they’re thought related to feeding and dispersal rather than spawning. The fish are subject to intensive capture by commercial and artisanal fishing operations during this upstream movement.

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Brachyplatystoma rousseauxii (CASTELNAU, 1855)


May 6th, 2012 — 1:05pm

Study of B. rousseauxii has revealed that sexually mature adults are found only in the western Amazon, with no mature individual ever recorded east of Manaus despite the intensive commercial fishery operating there. The total distance covered by some populations during migration from the delta was as much as 5500 km, making it the longest known in any freshwater fish species.

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Baryancistrus beggini LUJAN, ARCE & ARMBRUSTER, 2009

L239, Blue 'Panaque'

April 18th, 2012 — 2:59pm

Prior to description this species was traded under the DATZ code L239. It can be distinguished from other species in the genus and other hypostomines (see below for definition of this grouping) by its uniformly black to brownish body and fin colouration with a turquoise to bluish sheen, and the acutely bent shape of midventral body plates 3-5 which form a distinctive keel running along the body, above the pectoral fins…

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Apistogramma alacrina KULLANDER, 2004

Redspot Dwarf Cichlid, Rotpunkt Zwergbuntbarsch (DE)

April 7th, 2012 — 2:38pm

This species differs from all other described members of the genus by the presence of dark blotches at the dorsal and ventral base of the pectoral fins. Three very similar-looking fishes have been assigned the codes A106, A107 and A108 under the DATZ system and are also known in the aquarium hobby as A. sp. ‘rotpunkt’ (this form has been in the hobby for decades with its precise origin unclear), A. sp. ‘rotpunkt Orteguazas’ (the paratype form of A. alacrina) and A. sp. ‘rotpunkt Guayas’, respectively. It remains to be seen whether they’re conspecific with A. alacrina or not since they exhibit some differences in colour pattern and morphology.

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Apistogramma sp. 'breitbinden'

A164, A165, A167

March 13th, 2012 — 1:26pm

The German term 'breitbinden' translates literally as "broad-banded" and refers to the uniformly broad suborbital stripe seen in males of this 'species' which remains undescribed despite being known in the aquarium hobby for several decades. It's often imported as bycatch among shipments of wild-collected A. iniridae.

Some of the populations have also been assigned th…

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Biotodoma wavrini (GOSSE, 1963)

Orinoco Eartheater

March 13th, 2012 — 1:26pm

Populations known in the aquarium trade include ‘Cuao’, ‘Orinoco’, ‘San Antonio’, and ‘Sipapo Ventuari’.

B. wavrini and its congener B. cupido can be separated by body shape and position of the dark blotch on the posterior portion of the flank. In B. cupido the body is relatively compact and the blotch located above the upper lateral line, whereas in B. wavrini the body is noticeably elongate and the blotch on or below the upper lateral line.

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Ageneiosus ucayalensis CASTELNAU, 1855

Duck Catfish

March 13th, 2012 — 1:26pm

Apparently this species is polymorphic with body patterning varying significantly depending on locality. Individuals collected from black water habitats tend to be noticeably darker in overall colouration, for example, with this being particularly evident among populations from the Guiana Shield.

The genus Ageneiosus was at one point classified in…

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Ageneiosus inermis (LINNAEUS, 1766)


March 13th, 2012 — 1:26pm

The genus Ageneiosus was at one point classified in the family Ageneiosidae alongside the genus Tetranematichthys, but this was not accepted by all authors. The grouping remains poorly-studied with the last major revision having been conducted by Watson (1990) in his unpublished dissertation, in which A. inermis was included under the currently synonymous name A. brevifilis. It can be separated from the majority of the genus (except A. marmoratus) by possession of a truncate caudal fin, and from…

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Acanthodoras spinosissimus (EIGENMANN & EIGENMANN, 1888)

Chocolate Talking Catfish, Chocolate Raphael, Gestreifter Dornwels (DE)

March 13th, 2012 — 1:26pm

This species, which may also be referred to by the alternative vernacular names 'spiny catfish', 'painted talking catfish' or 'chocolate raphael', isn't particularly common in the trade and most often exported only as bycatch among shipments of Platydoras armatulus. It appears very similar to A. cataphractus with the most useful external distinguishing character being the presence of pale blotches on the dorsal surface, between the dorsal and caudal fins, in….

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