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Megalechis picta (MÜLLER & TROSCHEL, 1849)

Bar-tailed Hoplo

March 13th, 2012 — 1:22pm

This species was previously referred to as M. thoracata, but that name is now applied to the species with a relatively short dorsal-fin spine which was formerly known as M. personata.

M. picta can be told apart from M. thoracata by presence of a dark vertical bar in the caudal-fin, a comparatively longer dorsal-fin spine (52.0-64.0% vs. 32.0-48.0% of dorsal-fin base in specimens measur…

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Apistogramma steindachneri (REGAN, 1908)

Steindachner's Apisto, A138

March 13th, 2012 — 1:22pm

This species is assigned the code A138 under the DATZ system, with the Venezuelan variant referred to as A139 for easy reference.

The genus Apistogramma is among the most speciose of South American cichlid genera with around 70 species valid at present but many more awaiting description. In addition many species exist in two or more geographical colour forms which may or may not turn out to be distinct in the future. Hobbyists tend to label these with collection dat…

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Aequidens tetramerus (HECKEL, 1840)

Saddle Cichlid, Grünglanzbuntbarsch (DE)

March 13th, 2012 — 1:21pm

This is the type species of the genus Aequidens and has the widest distribution of any member species. It exists in various colour forms depending on locality with variants from Ecuador and Peru being particularly sought after since they develop striking red (Ecuador) or orange (Peru) colouration on the lower part of the jaw, head and anterior portion of the belly whereas those from Brazil tend to have an overall grey/blue/green colouration, for example.

Despite its type status it's long…

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Brachyplatystoma filamentosum (LICHTENSTEIN, 1819)


March 13th, 2012 — 1:21pm

In the Amazon region it is only specimens larger than around 160 cm and werighing in excess of 50 kg that are referred to as ‘Piraíba’ with the name ‘filhote’ normally applied to smaller individuals. Other vernacular names include ‘Salton catfish’, ‘Kumakuma’; and ‘tiger antenna catfish’; with members of the genus often referred to collectively as ‘goliath catfishes’.

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Acanthodoras cataphractus (LINNAEUS, 1758)

Chocolate Talking Catfish, Schokoladendornwels (DE)

March 13th, 2012 — 1:21pm

This species, which may also be referred to by the alternative vernacular names 'spiny catfish', 'painted talking catfish' or 'chocolate raphael', isn't particularly common in the trade and most often exported only as bycatch among shipments of Platydoras armatulus. It appears very similar to the congener A. spinosissimus with the most useful external distinguishing character being the presence of pale blotches on the dorsal surface, between the dorsal and caud…

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Brachychalcinus orbicularis (VALENCIENNES, 1850)

Discus Tetra

March 13th, 2012 — 1:21pm

The genus Brachychalcinus currently contains four other species: B. copei (Steindachner 1882) from the rio Madeira and rio Solimões; B. nummus Böhlke 1958 from the Upper Amazon region in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru; B. parnaibae Reis 1989 from the rio Parnaíba basin, and B. retrospina Boulenger 1892 from the Rio Paraguay system.

The group is often referred to collectively as ‘silver dollar tetras’ and tho…

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Astyanax bimaculatus (LINNAEUS, 1758)

Two Spot Astyanax

March 13th, 2012 — 1:21pm

A. bimaculatus is not a popular aquarium fish but is available on occasion exception, most often as a contaminant among shipments of other species.

It’s identity is also in question to an extent with the name currently applied to what is considered to represent a species complex comprising at least four taxa.

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Corydoras aeneus (GILL, 1858)

Bronze Cory

March 13th, 2012 — 1:19pm

Despite the ubiquity of its name in aquarium literature, confusion surrounds its true identity. Given it’s the only member of the genus occurring on the island, fish from Trinidad do presumably represent C. aeneus (see our image), but the classification of those from other localities appears far from certain.

Today the species is accepted to occur throughout much of South America, and indeed similarly-patterned fish do occur across a large portion of the continent. Some of these, such as the gree…

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Chilodus punctatus MÜLLER & TROSCHEL, 1844

Spotted Headstander

March 13th, 2012 — 1:19pm

Omnivorous and will accept most foods offered, with the stomach contents of wild specimens varying on a seasonal basis but mostly comprising insects and insect larvae (orders Trichoptera, Hemiptera, Homoptera) plus some terrestrial fruits and even scales of other fishes (Sánchez et al., 2003).

In the aquarium offer live Daphnia, Artemia, Moina, bloodowrm, etc., vegetable matter in the form of blanched spinach, lettuce, cucumber, fruit, algae wafers, etc., and good quality, sinking dried foods.

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Abramites hypselonotus (GÜNTHER, 1868)

Marbled Headstander, Brachsensalmler (DE)

March 13th, 2012 — 1:19pm

Abramites spp. are separated from other anostomids primarily on the basis of their relatively deeper bodies and presence of a prominent, post-pelvic median keel, a feature unique to the genus.

At time of writing A. eques is the only other species recognised and is native to the Río Magdalena drainage in western Colombia.

It can be distinguished by possession of 13-14 bra…

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