Roots formed from shoot tissues arising from any part of a plant except another (parent) root, e.g., from stems or leaves.
Glossary: adventitius roots
Glossary: aerate
To supply with additional air or expose to air circulation.
Glossary: aeration
The process of supplying with additional air or exposing to air circulation.
Glossary: aerobic
Living or occurring only in the presence of oxygen.
Glossary: Aeromonas
A genus of rod-shaped, gram-negative bacteria found in fresh and salt water, soil, and sewage. Various species affect fishes while others are pathogenic to amphibians, reptiles, and higher animals including humans.
Glossary: aestivate
To pass a hot period of the year in a dormant condition, as seen in African lungfishes for example.
Glossary: aff.
Abbreviation of the word 'affinis', meaning related but not identical to. Used in the fields of systematics and taxonomy when referring to undescribed specimens or populations that resemble, but are clearly different to, a described species.
Glossary: affinis
See aff..
Glossary: affluent
A tributary stream or river.
Glossary: African Great Lakes
Series of water bodies mostly located in the East African rift including some of the oldest and deepest in the world, specifically lakes Victoria, Tanganyika, Malawi, Turkana, Albert, Kivu and Edward.
Glossary: agonistic behaviour
Social interactions related to fighting. A broader term than 'aggressive behaviour' as it also includes threats, displays, retreats, placation, and conciliation.
Glossary: air pump
Device used to pump air into an aquarium for aeration or driving of air-powered filters.
Glossary: air stone
Processed piece of porous stone, glass, limewood, ceramic or synthetic material that is attached to the end of a length of airline and used to diffuse air into an aquarium in order to increase aeration. Available in a large range of shapes and sizes.
Glossary: airline
Plastic or silicon tubing used to connect an air pump to a filter, air stone, etc..
Glossary: airline clamp
Small, plastic, adjustable clamp used to regulate the flow of air within a length of airline.
Glossary: albino
A person or animal lacking or deficient in normal pigmentation due to an absence of melanin. Albino animals typically possess red eyes, unlike leucistic forms which typically have normally-coloured eyes.
Glossary: algae
A large and diverse group of simple, typically autotrophic organisms, ranging from unicellular to multicellular forms and including seaweeds, diatoms, and Spirogyra. They’re photosynthetic, like plants, and the majority are aquatic.
Glossary: algae crab
Loose term used to describe any type of crab useful in an aquarium because it eats algae and/or diatoms. In marine aquaria this would include Sally Lightfoot, Emerald and various species of hermit crab. In freshwater the micro-crab Limnopilos naiyanetri fills the same role.
Glossary: algae shrimp
Somewhat misleading vernacular name for the freshwater shrimp Caridina multidentata Stimpson 1860, a popular addition to freshwater aquaria due to its reputation for consuming algae, though in reality it is unable to survive on a diet of algae alone. Formerly referred to as C. japonica De Man 1892 (that name is now regarded as a […]
Glossary: algal bloom
A population explosion of unicellular algae, normally resulting from an increase or excess of available nutrients.
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