Pointing or otherwise orientated forward or upward; opposite of retrorse.
Glossary: antrorse
Glossary: anus
Opening at the lower end of the alimentary canal through which solid waste is excreted.
Glossary: apical
Refers to the tip or cusp of an oral tooth, or denotes orientation towards the apex or tip of a fin, fin-spine, etc..
Glossary: aplacental viviparity
Also known as ovoviviparity. Method of reproduction employed by certain fishes in which the eggs are fertilised and develop inside the female but there is no placental connection. The juveniles are free-swimming and able to feed as soon as they leave the female's body.
Glossary: apode fishes
Fishes lacking pelvic fins.
Glossary: apomorph
An organism existing in an evolutionary state that represents a morphological advance compared to a previous state. Occurs at an evolutionary branching point and is subsequently carried through only a single descendant group.
Glossary: apomorphy
A derived character state of a clade; a feature novel to a species and its descendants.
Glossary: aquaculture
Commerical production of marine or freshwater food fish or shellfish under controlled conditions. Sometimes referred to as 'fish farming'.
Glossary: aquarist
A person studying aquatic life or maintaining organisms in an aquarium, whether as a hobby or profession.
Glossary: aquarium
Type of vivarium containing water. Normally transparent, made of glass, plastic or acrylic and used to display, breed or otherwise maintain ornamental fishes.
Glossary: aquascape
To arrange plants and other décor in an aquarium, the art of which is a hobby itself for many people. Also refers to the completed display once all décor has been added.
Glossary: aquascaping
The process of or hobby concerned with creating an aquascape or aquascapes.
Glossary: aquatic
Growing, living, or otherwise found in water.
Glossary: aqueous
Of, similar to, containing, or dissolved in water.
Glossary: aquifer
A subterranean bed or layer of permeable rock, sediment or soil that bears water. Naturally-occuring springs and wells are fed by aquifers.
Glossary: aragonite
Naturally-occurring, crsytalline form of calcium carbonate with a notable buffering capacity. Popular as a substrate or substrate additive in marine and freshwater aquaria where pH and hardness must be maintained at high levels, and has a more rapid, effective effect than coral sand, for example.
Glossary: Argulus
A commonly-occurring genus of fish louse.
Glossary: armoured
Used in reference to certain fishes which have protective, typically bony, plates or scutes on the body, e.g., armoured catfishes.
Glossary: Artemia
Commonly known as brine shrimp; a genus of phyllopod crustacean inhabiting salt lakes and brines. Cultivated as food for aquarium fishes and available live, frozen or freeze-dried. Its newly-hatched nauplii are also a popular food for fish fry.
Glossary: artesian
Involving, relating to, or supplied by the upward movement of water under hydrostatic pressure in rocks or unconsolidated material beneath the earth’s surface.
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