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Hemimyzon nanensis DOI & KOTTELAT, 1998

January 24th, 2013 — 3:16pm

Most importantly the water must be clean and well-oxygenated so we suggest the use of an over-sized filter as a minimum requirement.

Turnover should ideally be 10-15 times per hour so additional powerheads, airstones, etc. should also be employed as necessary.

Base substr…

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Erromyzon sp. 'ER02'

January 23rd, 2013 — 3:39pm

This fish remains in need of identification, and we’ve chosen to list unidentified members of the genus using an ‘ER’ numbering system in the absence of definitive information.

It’s quite easy to distinguish from congeners since it’s the only species known to possess a colour pattern comprising a dark base colour and series of thin, paler vertical bars on the body and similarly-coloured spots on the head.

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Schistura oedipus (KOTTELAT, 1988)

January 17th, 2013 — 9:13pm

It’s known from five caves in total, the others being Tham Huet, Tham Ban Louk Kow Larm, Tham Nong Pha Cham, and Tham Mae Lana.

Streams flowing from these caves drain into the Nam Lang and Nam Khong rivers of the Salween drainage system, and the two easternmost caves, Tham Huet and Tham Nong Pha Cham, are both tributaries of the former.

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Schistura nicholsi (SMITH, 1933)

January 16th, 2013 — 9:25pm

This species is sometimes traded for aquaria but its name also appears to have been widely misapplied to other fishes.

It can be identified via the following combination of characters: presence of 8-10 quite regular dark bars…

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Schistura laterivittata (ZHU & WANG, 1985)

January 16th, 2013 — 7:12pm

It’s been considered a synonym of Schistura caudofurca (Mai, 1978) by the majority of recent authors following Kottelat (2001) but this appears to be a case of misidentification since the two species exhibit several notable differences based on their respective descriptions (Endruweit, 2010).

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Lepidocephalichthys zeppelini HAVIRD & TANGJITJAROEN, 2010

January 16th, 2013 — 12:00pm

The type locality consisted of remnant ephemeral pools in otherwise dry agricultural land, and many adults were collected from such habitats.

Other species present included the congener L. hasselti plus members of Anabas, ‘Puntius‘, Rasbora, Channa, and Hampala.

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Lepidocephalichthys micropogon BLYTH, 1860

January 16th, 2013 — 11:07am

According to Kottelat (2012) L. manipurensis Arunkumar, 2000, which was described from Moreh, Manipur state, northeastern India, close to the border with Myanmar, is a syonym of L. micropogon.

Havird and Page (2010) differentiate the two based on caudal-fin patterning, predorsal length and ver…

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Schistura kohchangensis (SMITH, 1933)

Ornate Tiger Sand Loach

January 15th, 2013 — 8:51pm

On Koh Chang one habitat consisted of a stream flowing from the waterfall Nam Tok Mai Yom which empties into the Gulf of Thailand after less than 1 km.

The stream was dry in its lower reaches and had a substrate of boulders and pebbles. Sympatric fi…

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Schistura kodaguensis (MENON, 1987)

January 15th, 2013 — 7:54pm

This species is not a well-known aquarium fish but is maintained by a number of Indian enthusiasts.

It can be told apart from related species by the following combination of characters as per Sreekantha et al. (2006): pectoral-fin rays 10; absence of black spot at base of dorsal-fin; presence of rows of spots on caudal-fin; lateral line incomplete; caudal-fin slightly emarginate; 11-14 vertical bars on the body.

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Schistura kengtungensis (FOWLER, 1936)

January 15th, 2013 — 7:09pm

This species is distributed in the middle Mekong River basin in north and northeastern Thailand, Myanmar and Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan province, southern China, and is also known from the Nam Beng, Nam Tha and Nam Yuoan drainages in Laos.

Type locality is ‘Laun We (Loi Mw…

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