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Pethia punctata (DAY, 1865)

October 1st, 2012 — 4:28pm

This species is poorly-known in the aquarium hobby and has a confusing taxonomic history having been considered both synonymous with or a subspecies of the congener P. ticto in the past. It can be distinguished from other members of the genus by the following combination of characters: lateral line complete with 27 scales (following Day); body with two dark blotches; anterior spot one scale row below lateral line; dorsal-fin with rows of spots.

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Puntius chola (HAMILTON, 1822)

Swamp Barb

September 28th, 2012 — 4:23pm

P. chola was retained in Puntius sensu stricto, of which members are defined by the following combination of characters: adult size usually less than 120 mm SL; maxillary barbels absent or present; rostral barbels absent; 3-4 unbranched and 8 branched dorsal-fin rays; 3 unbranched and 5 branched anal-fin rays; last unbranched dorsal-fin ray weak or strong and unserrated; lateral line complete with 22-28 pored body scales…

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Pethia pookodensis (MERCY & JACOB, 2007)

Pookode Lake Barb

September 28th, 2012 — 1:53pm

Described from Pookode Lake in Wayanad district, Kerala state, southern India and possibly endemic there although some unconfirmed records exist from within the surrounding Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary.

Pookode is a small freshwater lake surrounded by forest with a surface area of around 2 km² and is the source of the Panamaram River, a tributary within the much larger Kabani system. Its maximum depth is around 6.5 metres and in marginal areas dense patches of water lilies can be found.

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Barilius bakeri (DAY, 1865)

September 27th, 2012 — 8:50am

This species is traded under several names including ‘royal danio’, ‘blue-spotted hill trout’, and ‘blue-dotted mirror fish’.

It can be distinguished from congeners by possessing a single row of bluish-green spots along the length of the body, white margins on the dorsal and anal fins, 37-38+1 lateral line scales, and fleshy rudi…

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Petruichthys sp. 'rosy'

Rosy Loach

September 24th, 2012 — 4:05pm

This species continues to be referred to by the fictitious scientific name ‘Tuberoschistura arakensis‘ but actually appears to be an undescribed Yunnanilus sp. and is also sometimes traded as Y. sp. ‘orange’ or ‘Burmese pink loach’ but appears to be a member of the genus Petruichthys as per Kottelat (2012).

There exist more than 30 described Yunnanilus spp., the…

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Petruichthys brevis (BOULENGER, 1893)

Inle Loach

September 24th, 2012 — 3:01pm

This species is sometimes traded as ‘Lake Inle red-tailed loach’ and was formerly included in the genus Yunnanilus, a diverse assemblage of which the majority of members are endemic to the Yunnan plateau in Yunnan province, southern China.

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Micronemacheilus cruciatus (RENDAHL, 1944)

September 24th, 2012 — 10:19am

This species is traded under various names including ‘Vietnamese multi-banded zebra loach’, ‘hovering zebra loach’, ‘Laos pygmy multi-stripe loach’, and ‘banded dwarf loach’.

It can be distinguished from related species by the following combination of characters: body with distinct vertical bars; 8 branched dorsal-fin rays; 3-10 pored lateral line scales; one pair of large papillae in median portion of upper lip; two pairs of large papillae in median portion of lower lip; lower posterior edge of opercle with 3-4 prominent indentations.

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Tanichthys sp. 'Vietnam'

September 14th, 2012 — 9:30am

This fish was first collected in 2009 and limited numbers have been available in the aquarium trade. Though additional exports may be unlikely it’s proven easy to breed in captivity and there’s a fair chance it will become established in the hobby. It’s sold under several names including T. sp. ‘lemon’ or ‘yellow white cloud’, and has also been misidentified as the congener T. thacbaensis, a valid species occurring much further north in Vietnam.

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Microrasbora cf. rubescens

Flame Red 'Rasbora'

September 13th, 2012 — 4:46pm

This is possibly an undescribed species and has been marketed as ‘Asian Cardinal Rasbora’, ‘flame red rasbora’, M. sp. ‘rose blue line’ or M. ‘thuzari’ in the ornamental trade.

It differs from M. rubescens by its larger adult size, possession of a greenish to bluish lateral stripe, and lesser extent of orange pigmentation on the body. It also appears to represent a distinct genetic lineage (Collins et al., 2012).

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Celestichthys flagrans KULLANDER, 2012

Northern Glowlight 'Danio'

September 13th, 2012 — 4:11pm

Known only from a handful of streams in the upper Mali Hka river drainage, Ayeyarwaddy River system, near Putao township in the far north of Kachin state, northern Myanmar.

Type locality is ‘Nan Hto Chaung in Putao, about 1 mile from 46th regiment, close to rice mill’.

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