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Vaillantella maassi WEBER & DE BEAUFORT, 1912

Fork-tailed Loach

March 13th, 2012 — 1:26pm

This species is traded under various names including 'chocolate scissor-tailed loach', chocolate long-finned loach', 'red line cobra loach', 'spiny eel loach' and 'dragon loach'. It's apparently difficult to find in its natural habitats and thus time-consuming to collect, meaning it's rarely traded in numbers, sought after by enthusiasts and tends to carry a relatively high price tag when available.

The genus currently contains just three…

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Parabotia bimaculata CHEN, 1980

March 13th, 2012 — 1:26pm

Type locality is the town of Luxian, located north of Luzhou city, Sichuan province, southwest China. Luxian lies on the Laixi River, one of several tributaries converging with the main Yangtze river channel near Luzhou and forming part of the latter’s upper drainage basin. The full extent o…

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Sinibotia reevesae (CHANG, 1944)

March 13th, 2012 — 1:26pm

This species not often seen in the aquarium trade and is apparently rare in its natural waters, with the occasional individual imported as bycatch in shipments of S. pulchra or S. robusta, or by private collectors. Like others in the genus it has a highly flexible, sinuous body which makes it very interesting to observe.

It's told apart from congeners by the following combination of chara…

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Devario pathirana (KOTTELAT & PETHIYAGODA, 1990)

Barred 'Danio'

March 13th, 2012 — 1:26pm

This species is diagnosable from other members of the genus primarily by its unique colour pattern which consists of 7-11 dark blue, irregularly-shaped, parallel vertical bars on the anterior portion of each flank plus a short horizontal stripe on the caudal peduncle which extends into the central caudal fin rays. Phylogenetic analyses suggest it’s most closely-related to Indian Devario spp. plus D. xyrops from the western slope of the Rakhine Yoma mountains in Myanmar (Fang et al., 2009; Fang and Kullander, 2009).

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Sinogastromyzon wui FANG, 1930

March 13th, 2012 — 1:26pm

This species is probably the most common member of the genus in the aquarium trade but still not often exported in numbers.

Instead it’s more often found in mixed shipments of other wild-collected fishes from southern China, particularly Beaufortia or Pseudogastromyzon spp.

It may appear superficially simi…

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Devario laoensis (PELLEGRIN & FANG, 1940)

March 13th, 2012 — 1:26pm

It can be further distinguished from other species in the genus by colour pattern consisting of a dark, horizontal P stripe originating around mid-body, where it’s relatively faint, this becoming thicker and darker in the posterior portion of the body and terminating at the base of the caudal-fin. Among congeners it’s most similar to D. chrysotaeniatus but that species lacks the infraorbital process, has three rows of pharyngeal teeth and the P stripe extends to the end of the caudal-fin rays.

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Parabotia fasciata DABRY DE THIERSANT, 1872

March 13th, 2012 — 1:26pm

P. fasciata is rarely seen in the trade and is typically available only as bycatch among shipments of Sinibotia spp., particularly S. robusta. According to current classification numerous species from several genera are considered synonymous with it.

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Devario sondhii (HORA & MUKERJI, 1934)

Fireline Devario

March 13th, 2012 — 1:26pm

The habitat near Hopong is an area of permanently-flooded grassland formed by the damming of a spring for agricultural purposes and is around 1,040 metres AMSL.

The water is only around 30cm deep, transparent and supports dense growths of aquatic plants, mostly from the family Hydrocharitaceae which includes such genera as Elodea, Egeria and Blyxa.

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Devario interruptus (DAY, 1870)

March 13th, 2012 — 1:26pm

This species has mostly been collected from small (1-2 metres wide, 20-40 cm deep), moderate-to-swiftly-flowing streams with clear water, substrates of sand, gravel and rocks and no aquatic vegetation. Marginal vegetation was present in some cases, offering a degree of shade, and sympatric species included an unidentified Schistura sp., S. vinciguerrae, Misgurnus anguillicaudatus, Garra qiaojiensis,…

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Devario chrysotaeniatus (CHU, 1981)

March 13th, 2012 — 1:26pm

This species is poorly known and first appeared in the hobby during 2005 but has rarely been seen since, probably because its natural waters lie outside the range of most commercial collectors.

It can be distinguished by a combination of characters including: lateral line complete; infraorbital process absent; two pairs of short barbels; 8-9 branched dorsal fin rays; 12-13 branched anal fin rays; P stripe originating above pelvic fin and extending to en…

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