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Lepidocephalichthys annandalei CHAUDHURI, 1912

March 13th, 2012 — 1:25pm

Sand-dwelling loaches from the families Botiidae, Cobitidae and Nemacheilidae are also suitable but proper research is essential as some can be excessively territorial or otherwise aggressive.

A community based around fishes from its natural waters could include species such as Badis badis,…

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Lepidocephalichthys berdmorei (BLYTH, 1860)

March 13th, 2012 — 1:25pm

This is one of the most frequently-traded members of the genus and is an excellent choice for those new to keeping loaches.

It’s distinguishable from congeners by a combination of characters including: relatively large adult size (to at least 80 mm SL); rounded/truncate caud…

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Balitoropsis zollingeri (BLEEKER, 1853)

March 13th, 2012 — 1:25pm

An obligate dweller of swiftly-flowing streams and headwaters containing clear, oxygen-saturated water. It often inhabits riffles and runs and is likely to show a preference for shallower zones. Substrates are generally composed of gravel, rocks, boulders or bedrock carpeted with a rich biofilm formed by algae and other micro-organisms.

Juveniles are often found in slower-moving stretches with gravel substrate and submerged tree roots. In both cases patches of aquatic plants are only occasionally pres…

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Homalopteroides nebulosus (ALFRED, 1969)

March 13th, 2012 — 1:25pm

The genus Homalopteroides was revalidated by Randall and Page (2012) and is told apart from the related Homaloptera by the following character combination: dorsal-fin origin above pelvic-fin; ≤ 60 lateral-line scales; ≤ 30 predorsal scales; oral morphology consisting of two thin and widely separated rostral barbels on each side of the mouth, thin crescent-shaped lips, the absence of any structure such as a mental pad or lobes between the lateral portions of the lower lip, and a chin that extends anterior to the lateral portions of the lower lip.

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Homalopteroides smithi (HORA, 1932)

March 13th, 2012 — 1:25pm

Described from close to the village of Ban Khiri Wong, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, southern (peninsular) Thailand but since recorded throughout much of the country, including the Chao Phraya and Mekong river systems.

It’s also known from Peninsular Malaysia and parts of the Mekong basin in Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. Rainboth (1996) considered it ‘probably the commonest member of the genus in the Mekong’ and in a 2008 study of balitorid habitats in centra…

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Homalopteroides tweediei (HERRE, 1940)

March 13th, 2012 — 1:25pm

Described from Kota Tinggi district, Johor state, Peninsular Malaysia but since recorded throughout much of the country as well as parts of the the Mekong river system in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam plus the Kapuas and several other river basins in Kalimantan Barat (West Kalimantan) province, Indonesian Borneo.

In the Kahang River, part of the Endau drainage in Jo…

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Homaloptera confuzona KOTTELAT, 2000

March 13th, 2012 — 1:25pm

Most records pertain to the Mekong River basin downstream of the Khone waterfalls in Laos and Cambodia, but this species is also known from some smaller river drainages in southern Thailand, including parts of the Mae Klong system. Type locality is ‘Khlong Fit at Ban Kraduk Chang, road 3157 from Trat to borai, about 2-3 kilometers after junction w…

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Homaloptera parclitella TAN & NG, 2005

March 13th, 2012 — 1:25pm

The water at the type locality is described as ‘clear and fast-flowing over a rocky substratum’. H. parclitella was observed in shallow water among the rocks, and sympatric species included Garra cambodgiensis, Neolissochilus soroides, Poropuntius smedleyi, ‘Puntiusbinotatus, Homaloptera nebulosa and Amblyceps mangois.

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Formosania lacustris (STEINDACHNER, 1908)

Tasseled-mouth Loach

March 13th, 2012 — 1:25pm

An obligate dwellers of swiftly-flowing streams and headwaters containing clear, oxygen-saturated water. It inhabits riffles and runs and according to studies shows a preference for shallower zones. Substrates are generally composed of gravel, rocks, boulders or bedrock carpeted with a rich biofilm formed by algae and other micro-organisms. Aquatic plants are uncommon and while riparian/streamside vegetation may be present…

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Homaloptera bilineata BLYTH, 1860

March 13th, 2012 — 1:25pm

This rarely-traded species is a member of the H. ocellata ‘group’ of closely-related congeners, an assemblage which currently comprises H. ocellata, H. bilineata, H. confuzona, H. orthogoniata, H. ogilviei and H. parclitella. Following Tan and Ng (2005) these share possession of a colour pattern with reddish tints and dark brown head markings, elongate head, slightly compressed body, 61-77 lateral line scales and dorsal-fin origin placed in advance of pelvic-fin origin.

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