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Acanthocobitis pavonacea (MCCLELLAND, 1839)

Peacock Loach

March 13th, 2012 — 1:24pm

This species isn’t common in the trade but occasional specimens may be found among shipments of wild caught fishes from northeast India, and it’s sometimes seen on sale as ‘pan…

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Annamia normani (HORA, 1931)

March 13th, 2012 — 1:24pm

Traditionally considered to be a micropredator feeding on insect larvae and suchlike (Rainboth, 1996), but a study by Herder and Freyhof (2006) revealed adult A. normani inhabiting the Duc My River in central Vietnam to be specialised grazers of cyanobacteria. In rapids the latter form hard encrustations on rock surfaces from which adults are able to bite chunks.

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Pethia didi (KULLANDER & FANG, 2005)

March 13th, 2012 — 1:24pm

The type locality is a stream with a mixed substrate of mud and stones which flows swiftly through an area of bamboo forest so is quite well-shaded. At time of collection the water was clear but slightly tannin-stained and sympatric species included Pethia thelys, Puntius sophore, Devario strigillifer, Rasbora daniconius, R. rasbora, Acanthocobitis botia, Notopterus notopterus, plus unidentified species of Oreichthys, Parambassis, Xenentodon, and Mastacembelus.

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Danionella dracula CONWAY & RÜBER, 2009

March 13th, 2012 — 1:24pm

This species is available in the trade on occasion and has been sold as Danionella sp. 'neon green' or 'flourescent green'. The specific name was inspired by its jaw morphology which according to current knowledge is unique among cypriniform fishes. Both upper and lower jaws contain a series of toothlike odontoid processes; these are only rudimentary in females but in males appear to form rows of teeth of which the front pair is large and fang-like. The upper fangs project th…

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Brachydanio tinwini (KULLANDER & FANG, 2009)

Gold Ring 'Danio'

March 13th, 2012 — 1:24pm

Adult size is comparable to B. nigrofasciata, and in the description paper the authors hypothesise that the two are closely-related given they share other features such as similar barbel length (plus some additional merisitic counts), absent lateral line and spotted pelvic fins.

The two are easy to tell apart, however, since in B. tinwini the P+1 stripe is composed of a series of spots (vs. solid), it possesses an indistinct P+2 str…

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Brachydanio sp. 'TW01'

Black-barred 'Danio'

March 13th, 2012 — 1:24pm

Apparently discovered close to the coastal town of Gwa in Rakhine State, western Myanmar. Rakhine is largely cut off from the rest of the country by the Rakhine Yoma/Arakan mountains which form a natural barrier along its eastern side.

Rakhine is located within a tropical monsoon region and has a pronounced rainy season between May and October, while at other times it can be quite dry. The streams thus swell in depth by a metre or mo…

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Brachydanio sp. 'hikari'

Hikari 'Danio'

March 13th, 2012 — 1:24pm

This potentially-undescribed species first became available in 2002, and males and females were marketed as ‘Danio sp. hikari yellow’ and ‘D. sp. hikari blue’, respectively. Subsequent DNA testing in the United States revealed them to be the same species and genetically distinct from the very similar B. kerri. It can be told apart as the central body (P) stripe always extends into the caudal fin whereas in B. kerri it terminates at the caudal peduncle. Only a single population of B. kerri was sampled in the stu…

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Niwaëlla delicata (NIWA, 1937)

Ajime Loach

March 13th, 2012 — 1:24pm

During winter months N. delicata retreats to streams or underflows where it remains dormant between October and April (Kano, 2000) before emerging to spawn. Other species living alongside it in nature include Rhinogobius flumineus, Cottus pollux and Phoxinus spp.

Niwaëlla is closely related to Cobitis and N. delicata, also the type species, was described as C. delicata (Niwa, 1937). The combination of characters used to tell it…

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Garra sp. 'redtail'

Burmese Red-tailed Garra

March 13th, 2012 — 1:24pm

A putatively undescribed species often imported and sold as G. sp. ‘burmanicus’. It first appeared in the trade during 2005 and has since been available on a sporadic basis, usually with a relatively high price tag. As well as its unique colour pattern, a primary diagnostic character is the presence of a proboscis-like rostral process between the eyes.

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Celestichthys erythromicron (ANNANDALE, 1918)

March 13th, 2012 — 1:24pm

This species was formerly included in the genus Microrasbora although it’s long-been considered a danionin by certain authors, e.g., Kottelat and Witte (1999) and was placed within the genus Danio for a period.

In the aquarium trade it’s marketed under various names including ’emerald dwarf danio’, ‘thick band purple zebra danio’ and ‘cross-banded dwarf rasbora’.

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