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Badis pyema KULLANDER & BRITZ, 2002

March 13th, 2012 — 1:25pm

Like most badids B. pyema is poorly documented in aquarium literature and has yet to find significant popularity in the hobby, though given its restricted natural distribution it is unlikely ever to be available in large numbers and has only been collected on three occasions to date. It has a very slender body shape, likely an adaptation to its habitat, and in this respect is similar to B. kyar. However B. kyar possesses relatively solid dark, uniform vertical bars on the flanks whereas in B. p

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Dario dayingensis KULLANDER & BRITZ, 2002

March 13th, 2012 — 1:25pm

This species has not appeared in the ornamental fish trade to date though has been maintained by a handful of private collectors and enthusiasts.

It was known for some years prior to description and identified as Badis dario (as Dario dario was known at the time) but is actually much closer to D. hysginon.

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Badis tuivaiei VISHWANATH & SHANTA, 2004

March 13th, 2012 — 1:25pm

This fish has yet to appear in the aquatic trade and only been exported in extremely limited numbers to date. Specimens collected from the Wahumiam River close to the settlement of Shella Bholaganj by Peter Cottle and Andrew Rao in 2006 were initially considered an undescribed species and referred to as B. sp.'Wahumiam River' or B. sp. 'terracotta', but later found to match B. tuivaiei in terms of morphology, meristics, etc. (S. van der Voort, pers. comm.).

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Badis juergenschmidti SCHINDLER & LINKE, 2010

March 13th, 2012 — 1:25pm

This species is essentially unknown in the hobby at time of writing. It was discovered by German aquarist Horst Linke in early 2010 and before official description was known as B. sp. ‘East Myanmar’ (‘Ost Myanmar’ in Germany). It can be differentiated from other members of the genu…

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Geophagus parnaibae STAECK & SCHINDLER, 2006

March 13th, 2012 — 1:25pm

Although only described in 2006 this species has been known in the hobby since at least 1988 when it was imported to Germany and traded as G. sp. 'Parnaíba'. An undescribed species from the rio Pindaré in Maranhão state usually sold as G. sp. 'Pindaré' is sometimes labelled G. sp. 'Pindaré' (Parnaíba) which has resulted in some confusion but the two do not occur sympatrically and are totally distinct from one another.

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Geophagus brachybranchus KULLANDER & NIJSSEN, 1989

March 13th, 2012 — 1:25pm

This species is generally rare in the aquarium hobby though oddly appears to be one of the commoner species in Australia where it’s often referred to by the vernacular name ‘black-throated eartheater’. It’s a member of the nominal G. surinamensis ‘group’ of closely-related species within the genus and can be identified by a combination of characters including: presence of dark preopercular markings; no vertical bars on the flanks even when stressed/preserved; base of filaments on the first gill arch mostly covered by a flap of skin; exposed part of bra…

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'Geophagus' brasiliensis (QUOY & GAIMARD, 1824)

Pearl Cichlid

March 13th, 2012 — 1:25pm

This species is also known as the 'pearlscale' or 'mother-of-pearl' cichlid in deference to the iridescent body scaling. It's also worth noting that fishes sold as Gymnogeophagus australis in Europe are ‘G.brasiliens is more often than not.

Wild specimens exhibits significant dissimilarities in body colour and patterning depending on locality with basic colouration being dominated by varying shades of blue, green or yellow, for example. Some populations al…

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Geophagus taeniopareius KULLANDER & ROYERO, 1992

March 13th, 2012 — 1:25pm

This species is relatively rare in the hobby but sometimes available from specialist retailers or private breeders. Though described in 1992 it was first collected much earlier and has been in the hobby since the late 1970s, being known as ‘Wangenstrich-Erdfresser’ (cheek-stripe eartheater) in Germany.

It’s one of just five Geophagus species not to be included in the nominal G. surinamensis ‘group’ of closely-related species within the genus along with G. argyrostictus, G. gottwaldi, G. grammepareius and G. harreri.

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Geophagus argyrostictus KULLANDER, 1991

March 13th, 2012 — 1:25pm

This species is relatively rare in the hobby but sometimes available from specialist retailers or private breeders. Though described in 1991 it was first collected much earlier and misidentified by Gosse (1976) as G. surinamensis.

It’s one of just five Geophagus species not to be included in the nominal G. surinamensis ‘group’ of closely-related species within the genus along with G. gottwaldi, G. grammepareius, G. harreri an…

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Geophagus camopiensis PELLEGRIN, 1903

Oiapoque Eartheater

March 13th, 2012 — 1:25pm

In a study conducted on the Arataye River, the main tributary of the Approuage, this species was mostly collected from stretches of rapids with rocky substrate which were reduced to a series of pools during the dry season. Other fishes observed at the same site were Auchenipterus nuchalis, Hypostomus gymnorhynchus and Moenkhausia cf. intermedia while at other localities in the river Bryconops affinis, Myleus ternetzi, M. rhomboidalis, Moenkhausia aff. barbouri, Curimata sp. and Serrasalmus sp. were collected.

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