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Pseudotropheus sp. 'acei'

March 13th, 2012 — 1:21pm

This is an excellent beginner's species as it is relatively peaceful and easily bred. Despite being undescribed to science it is widely available in the hobby. It is sometimes sold as Gephyrochromis acei. Several colour forms are available, including "yellow tail acei" and "white tail acei". None of these should be kept together in aquaria to prevent hybridisation.

In nature it feeds specifically on algae and other organisms growing on submerged wood, and is the only …

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Alcolapia grahami (BOULENGER, 1912)

Graham's Soda Cichlid, Magadi Tilapia

March 13th, 2012 — 1:21pm

This species is a true wonder of nature. It lives in a soda lake which is full of hot, alkaline springs. The water contains a high concentration of sodium carbonate and other dissolved minerals and salts. The water conditions in the lake are typically pH 9.5-10.5, kH 7000+ and temperature 90-110°F! The water also has a sg reading of 1.2+ and is very shallow, having a maximum depth of only 3 metres. It can be acclimatised to more 'normal' conditions but the pH should not be allowed …

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Alcolapia alcalica (HILGENDORF, 1905)

Soda Cichlid, Natron Tilapia, Sodabuntbarsch (DE)

March 13th, 2012 — 1:21pm

This cichlid is a true wonder of nature. It lives in a soda lake which is full of hot, alkaline springs. The water contains a high concentration of sodium carbonate and other dissolved minerals and salts. The water conditions in the lake are typically pH 9.5-10.5, kH 7000+ and temperature 90-110°F! The water also has a sg reading of 1.2+ and is very shallow, having a maximum depth of only 2 metres. The fish can be acclimatised to more 'normal' conditions but the pH should not be al…

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Neolamprologus pulcher (TREWAVAS & POLL, 1952)


March 13th, 2012 — 1:21pm

Deservedly one of the most popular Tanganyikan species available in the hobby, N. brichardi is ideal for newcomers to both Rift Lake cichlids and cichlids in general, being beautiful and easy to keep and breed. It is seen for sale under several common names including "Fairy Cichlid", "Lyretail Cichlid" and "Princess of Burundi". There are several colour morphs available, although these do not vary much in patterning, and an albino form is also occasionally available…

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Congochromis sabinae (LAMBOJ, 2005)

March 13th, 2012 — 1:21pm

This species was present in the hobby for some time prior to being officially described and the spectacular red fish first exported by Pierre Brichard in the 1960s appears to be a regional form of it. It was also known variously as Nanochromis sp. 'Bamanja', N. sp. 'Genema', N. sp. 'Makoua' and N. sp. Bloody Mary' prior to description, and continues to be mislabelled as N. squamiceps on trade lists.

Diagnosis of C. sabinae is possible via a combination of c…

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Julidochromis transcriptus MATTHES, 1959

Masked Julie

March 13th, 2012 — 1:20pm

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Boulengerochromis microlepis (BOULENGER, 1899)

Emperor Cichlid

March 13th, 2012 — 1:20pm

Mostly inhabits littoral to sublittoral zones, habitats which normally comprise a mixture of rocky rubble and exposed sandy areas, but has been recorded to depths of around 100 m. When not breeding adults exhibit a more-or-less pelagic lifestyle and apparently tends to form small, foraging groups in open water, whereas juveniles inhabit shallower, sandy nursery zones with some rock cover. There exists some evidence to suggest that adults move inshore at night or during early morning in order to feed.

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Aulonocara sp. 'stuartgranti maleri'

Sunshine Peacock

March 13th, 2012 — 1:20pm

It remains unclear whether this fish represents an as yet undescribed species or not but in either case the unofficial, vernacular name is confusing due to it being based on that of a described taxon. As a result it is often referred to as A. stuartgranti ‘Maleri’ or ‘Maleri Islands’, either through error or because some authors believe it to be conspecific with A. stuartgranti.

The population from the Maleri Islands is traded as ‘yellow regal peacock’ (not to be confused with the ‘new yellow regal peacock’, i.e., A. baenschi) and the one from Chidunga Rocks as ‘sunshine peacock’ or ‘orange peacock’.

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Aulonocara stuartgranti MEYER & RIEHL, 1985

Grant's Peacock

March 13th, 2012 — 1:20pm

Males of this species occur in a wide range of colour forms depending on locality, with blue variants being found predominantly (but not exclusively) towards the north of the lake and yellow in the south. This variation, alongside its relatively extensive distribution, has resulted in some taxonomical issues, several of which have not yet been resolved.

For example, two forms from the southwest of the lake are referred to as A. sp. “stuartgranti maleri” and A. sp. “stuartgranti mbenji”, respectively, and may turn out to be distinct species given their colour patterns an…

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Aulonocara maylandi TREWAVAS, 1984

Sulphurhead Peacock

March 13th, 2012 — 1:20pm

This species exists in two distinctive phenotypes, with male individuals from West reef and Eccles reef possessing a bright yellow stripe of colour running from the tip of the snout over the anterior portion of the dorsal surface and along the distal margin of the dorsal fin. This form is commonly referred to as ‘sulphurhead’ or ‘sulfurhead’ in the aquarium hobby.

At Kande Island males exhibit a similar overall colour patterm but the dorsal stripe is whitish in colour and both males and females possess an enlarged lower pharyngeal bone. This population was described…

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