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Dawkinsia rubrotinctus (JERDON, 1849)

March 13th, 2012 — 1:26pm

This species may have appeared in the aquarium trade under the misapplied names Puntius arulius or P. tambraparniei in the past, both of which are also now classified within Dawkinsia. See the relevant profiles for D. arulius and D. tambraparniei for additional information regarding that confusion, since here we concentrate on D. rubrotinctus.

It was initially described by Jerdon in 1849 but placed in synonymy with P. arulius by Day (1878), where it remained for ov…

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Lepidocephalichthys thermalis (VALENCIENNES, 1846)

March 13th, 2012 — 1:25pm

This species is available sporadically and makes an excellent choice for those new to keeping loaches. It’s distinguishable from congeners by a combination of characters including: truncate/rounded caudal-fin; no scales on top of head; dark, squarish spots o…

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Devario malabaricus (JERDON, 1849)

Giant 'Danio'

March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm

This species is frequently confused with the congener D. aequipinnatus auct. but their identitities are in a state of confusion, particularly that of the latter. There are however a handful of characters which separate these two nominal species from one another.

D. malabaricus possesses a moderately deep body, 35-38 scales in the lateral se…

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Notopterus notopterus (PALLAS, 1769)

Bronze Featherback

March 13th, 2012 — 1:22pm

This species is also referred to as ‘Asian knifefish’ or ‘ghost knifefish’ in the aquarium trade in the aquarium trade but arguably has no place in the ornamental hobby given its adult size and specialised requirements.

It is sometimes confused with the African species Xenomystus nigri but is easily told apart by its larger adult size and presence (vs. absence) of a dorsal fin.

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Hemibagrus punctatus (JERDON, 1849)

Porthole Bagrid

March 13th, 2012 — 1:21pm

Confirmed localities include the Kabini, Bhadra and Moyar tributary systems where it was last collected in 1998, the 1980s and 1990-92, respectively.

The IUCN currently list it as Critically Endangered (possibly extinct).

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Puntius bimaculatus (BLEEKER, 1863)

Two-spotted Barb

March 13th, 2012 — 1:19pm

Generally very peaceful making it an ideal resident of the well-researched community tank. As it places no special demands in terms of water chemistry it can be combined with many of the most popular fish in the hobby including other small cyprinids as well as tetras, livebearers, rainbowfishes, anabantoids, catfishes and loaches.

It’s a schooling species by nature, and at least 6-10 specimens should be purchased. Maintaining it in such…

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Dawkinsia arulius (JERDON, 1849)

March 13th, 2012 — 1:18pm

The fish appearing in the majority of earlier literature as P. arulius or ‘arulius barb’, and often still traded as such, is the related D. tambraparniei. Though similar the latter can be told apart from D. arulius by possession of filamentous extensions to the dorsal-fin rays in males, longer maxillary barbels measuring > ½ eye diameter, i.e., 2.4 – 4.7 % SL, and some aspects of colour pattern.

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Etroplus maculatus (BLOCH, 1795)

Orange Chromide

March 13th, 2012 — 1:18pm

Wild examples are rarely-seen in the aquarium hobby although selectively-bred ornamental strains are widely-available for which care is identical.

These are normally traded as ‘red’ or ‘yellow’ chromide and have a solid yellow-orange colour pattern with no dark elements.

It exhibits a widespread sympatry with the con…

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Etroplus suratensis (BLOCH, 1790)

Green Chromide

March 13th, 2012 — 1:18pm

This species is euryhaline and mostly inhabits brackish estuaries, coastal lagoons and the lower reaches of rivers.

It also occurs in freshwater habitats, however, including a number of inland lakes in Sri Lanka although it appears to have been introduced intentionally.

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