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Corydoras arcuatus ELWIN, 1938

Skunk Cory; C020

March 13th, 2012 — 1:19pm

This species is among the more popular Corydoras in the aquarium hobby and is widely available. It may also be referred to as ‘arched cory’.

There exist a number of similar-looking congeners, particularly C. urucu (Britto et al., 2009), described from the rio Urucu in Coari municipality, Amazonas state, Brazil, and C. narcissus from the rio Purus. The latter appears to have also been traded as C. sp. ‘super arcuatus longnose’ while a larg…

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Astronotus ocellatus (AGASSIZ, 1831)


March 13th, 2012 — 1:19pm

This species is also referred to as ‘velvet cichlid’, ‘red oscar’, ‘tiger oscar’, or ‘marble cichlid’.

It is a popular aquarium fish although its adult size and typical life-span of 10-20 years must be taken into account before purchase. Numerous ornamental strains are now available, and while care is more-or-less identical for all of them a degree of additional care must be taken with the ‘long-finned’ variety which is a little less competitive than other forms.

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Laemolyta taeniata (KNER, 1858)

Striped Headstander

March 13th, 2012 — 1:19pm

L. taeniata is the largest-growing and second most widely-distributed member of the genus although it’s a rarely-seen in the aquarium trade.

It can be distinguished from all congeners since it uniquely possesses 5 lateral scale rows between the lateral line and dorsal-fin origin (vs. 4 or 6–8 in the remaining species).

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Chilodus punctatus MÜLLER & TROSCHEL, 1844

Spotted Headstander

March 13th, 2012 — 1:19pm

Omnivorous and will accept most foods offered, with the stomach contents of wild specimens varying on a seasonal basis but mostly comprising insects and insect larvae (orders Trichoptera, Hemiptera, Homoptera) plus some terrestrial fruits and even scales of other fishes (Sánchez et al., 2003).

In the aquarium offer live Daphnia, Artemia, Moina, bloodowrm, etc., vegetable matter in the form of blanched spinach, lettuce, cucumber, fruit, algae wafers, etc., and good quality, sinking dried foods.

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Leporinus fasciatus (BLOCH, 1794)

Banded Leporinus

March 13th, 2012 — 1:19pm

This species is also referred to as ‘black-anded leporinus’, ‘striped leporinus’ and ‘eight-banded leporinus’.

Young specimens are often traded for aquaria without warning as to their potential size and requirements, and as a result it’s fairly ubiquitous in public aquarium displays.

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Satanoperca jurupari (HECKEL, 1840)

Demon Eartheater

March 13th, 2012 — 1:19pm

S. jurupari is also known as ‘demon fish’, ‘jurupari earth eater’, ‘green horse face’, or simply ‘jurupari’ in the aquarium hobby.

It can be distinguished from other members of the genus by the following combination of characters: presence of a relatively small dark ocellus on the upper caudal-fin base; absence of well-defined dark blot…

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Apistogramma cacatuoides HOEDEMAN, 1951

Cockatoo Cichlid

March 13th, 2012 — 1:18pm

Numerous ornamental forms of this species have been selectively line-bred for the aquarium trade, vernacular names for which include "sunset", "sunburst", "double red", "triple red", "gold", "white gold", "orange flash" and "albino". It has also been assigned the 'A' number A200 under the DATZ system with possibly conspecific, related forms similarly numbered A201, A202 and A203 depending on locality.


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Osteoglossum bicirrhosum (CUVIER, 1829)

Silver Arowana

March 13th, 2012 — 1:18pm

Given its eventual size and natural behaviour this species is largely unsuitable for the home aquarium, and we know of only a handful of private aquarists with the facilities required to house it long-term.

Unfortunately juveniles are readily available in the trade, although the scarcity of privately-maintained adults would suggest that most fail to reach their potential.

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Brachyplatystoma juruense (BOULENGER, 1898)

Gold Zebra Catfish

March 13th, 2012 — 1:18pm

Brachyplatystoma spp. are distinguished from all other catfishes by two synapomorphies. The first comprises several morphological characters relating to the skull, specifically that the mandibular suspensorium (that which connects the lower jaw bone to the skull) is greatly expanded mediodorsally to form a large plate approaching the parasphenoid bone, with the hyomandibula and metapterygoid similarly enlarged.

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Apistogramma agassizii (STEINDACHNER, 1875)

Agassizi's Dwarf Cichlid, Agassiz Zwergbuntbarsch (DE)

March 13th, 2012 — 1:18pm

Numerous ornamental forms of this species have been selectively-bred for the aquarium trade, some of which include. It has also been assigned the 'A' number A234 under the DATZ system with possibly conspecific, related forms similarly numbered A235, A236, A237, A238, A239, A240, A241 and A242 depending on locality.

The genus Apistogramma is among the most speciose of South American cichlid genera with around 70 species valid at present but many more awaiting description. In addition …

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