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Boulengerella cuvieri (SPIX & AGASSIZ, 1829)

March 18th, 2013 — 12:29pm

It’s known by various vernacular names including ‘Pirá-pacu’, ‘Pira-pucu’ or ‘Diente de cao’ (central Amazon), ‘Bicuda’ or ‘Uena’ (rio Tocantins), ‘Bicuda’ (rio Tapajós), ‘Aguejeta’ or ‘Picua’ (Venezuela), and ‘Moruwi’ or ‘Pirapoko’ (Guyana).

The entire dorsal-fin base is located anteriorly to a vertical through the anal-fin origin and this character distinguishes it from all other ctenolucids except B. lucius and B. xyrekes.

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Cynodon gibbus (AGASSIZ, 1829)

March 13th, 2013 — 11:13pm

This species is rare in the aquarium trade but is arguably more suitable for the home aquarium than some of its better-known relatives given its adult size and relatively docile behaviour.

Other vernacular names include ‘Dientón’ (Peru), ‘Perrito’ (Ecuador), ‘Payara-chata’ or ‘Payarin’ (Venezuela) and ‘Icanga’, ‘Minguilista’ or ‘Peice-cachorro’ (Brazil), some of which are also applied to related species.

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Ageneiosus inermis (LINNAEUS, 1766)


March 13th, 2012 — 1:26pm

The genus Ageneiosus was at one point classified in the family Ageneiosidae alongside the genus Tetranematichthys, but this was not accepted by all authors. The grouping remains poorly-studied with the last major revision having been conducted by Watson (1990) in his unpublished dissertation, in which A. inermis was included under the currently synonymous name A. brevifilis. It can be separated from the majority of the genus (except A. marmoratus) by possession of a truncate caudal fin, and from…

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Geophagus neambi LUCINDA, LUCENA & ASSIS, 2010

March 13th, 2012 — 1:25pm

This species was available in the hobby several years prior to being described, invariably traded as G. sp. aff. altifrons ‘Tocantins’, G. sp. ‘Tocantins’ or G. sp. ‘rio Areoes’. The latter of these names refers to an Indian reserve named ‘Areões’ in the rio Das Mortes drainage, a tributary of the Araguaia which itself drains into the Tocantins, and the aquarium specimens in our images have been identified as G. neambi by Dr. Paulo Lucinda, co-describer of the species.

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Hypancistrus sp.

L004, L005, L028, L073, Angelicus Pleco

March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm

The genus Hypancistrus is diagnosed from all other loricariids by a wide separation between the metapterygoid and lateral ethmoid, presence of a sharply angled adductor palatini crest of the hyomandibula, and no lateral wall in the metapterygoid channel.

More useful for aquarists is the fact that in Hypancistrus the dentary teeth are about twice a…

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Ancistrus ranunculus MULLER, RAPP PY-DANIEL & ZUANON, 1994

L034, Medusa Pleco, Monsterantennenwels (DE)

March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm

A somehwhat odd-looking species with a distinctive wide head and overall flattened profile. Unfortunately this fish is not the easiest fish to keep alive in the aquarium since it requires rather specialised conditions and is often in poor condition post-import.

As a juvenile, it often sports a pattern of light spots on the body, leading to confusion with the similarly shaped L255 species.In A. ranunculus, these spots fade as the fish mature,…

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Acanthicus hystrix SPIX & AGASSIZ, 1829

L155, Lyre Tail Pleco, Schwarze Elfenwels (DE)

March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm

Despite its patent unsuitability as an aquarium subject attractively-coloured juvenile specimens of this species are traded in quite large numbers, although the scarcity of privately-maintained adults would suggest that most fail to reach their potential. The striking, spotted patterning also disappears as this species matures, and since it also becomes increasingly bellligerent with age it can only be recommended to owners of the largest private aquaria or tropical ponds. There exists an albino…

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Thoracocharax stellatus (KNER, 1858)

Spotfin Hatchetfish

March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm

T. stellatus is superficially similar to its only congener T. securis, but can immediately be identified by the presence (vs. absence) of a prominent dark spot in the dorsal-fin. It is sometimes traded as ‘platinum hatchetfish’.

The genus Thoracocharax was originally erected by Fowler in 1906 as a subgenus of Gasteropelecus, but was elevated to generic status by Weitzman (1960).

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Gasteropelecus levis (EIGENMANN, 1909)

Silver Hatchetfish

March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm

Gasteropelecids are commonly-referred to as ‘freshwater hatchetfishes’ due to their heavily-keeled body shape which has evolved in such a way due to possessing an enlarged, heavily-muscled pectoral girdle, and which resembles the shape of a hatchet head.

They are sometimes said to be capable of propelled flight above the water surface by beating their pectoral fins but in fact this is not the cas…

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Rhaphiodon vulpinus SPIX & AGASSIZ, 1829


March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm

R. vulpinus is the most widely-distributed member of the family Cynodontidae.

Type locality is given simply as ‘Brazilian rivers’, but this species is currently understood to be distributed in the Amazon basin from the Río Ucayali system in Peru, eastward as far as the rio Xingu in Brazil, plus the rio Tocantins and Rio Capim basins.

It’s also known from the Río Orinoco ba…

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