Aphyosemion decorsei
Decorse's Lyretail
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Haplochilus decorsei Pellegrin, 1904
Aphyosemion: from the Greek aphúe (Gr. ἀφύη), meaning ‘a small fish’, and semeion (Gr. σημεῖον), meaning ‘banner, flag’, in reference to the “ornamented, often lyre-shaped” caudal fin in male individuals of genus members.
decorsei: named for French army physician and naturalist Gaston-Jules Decorse (1873-1907), who helped collect the type series and other fishes from the Ubangi River in Central African Republic.
Order: Cyprinodontiformes Family: Nothobranchiidae
Type locality is the settlement of Bessou, Lobaye prefecture, Central African Republic, which lies within the Ubangi (also spelled Oubangui) River basin. The Ubangi is a major tributary of the Congo River and this species appears restricted to its middle section and thus probably extends into northern Republic of Congo and Democratic Republic of Congo.
Maximum Standard Length
45 – 50 mm