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Corydoras ephippifer NIJSSEN, 1972

Saddle Cory

March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm

This species appears superficially similar to a number of congeners including C. ambiacus, C. agassizii, C. brevirostris, C. delphax, and C. melanistius.

Among these C. ephippifer seems to be unique in that all fins except the dorsal are transparent and lack markings.

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Corydoras ehrhardti STEINDACHNER, 1910

March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm

Known from southern Sao Paulo to northern Santa Catarina states in eastern Brazil, including the rios Jaraguá, Iguaçu, Tejuco, Ribeira de Iguape, Guabiroba, Tibagi, Capivari, Lindo, Itapocu, São Pedro, and upper Rio Paranapanema.

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Corydoras delphax NIJSSEN & ISBRÜCKER, 1983

March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm

Unfortunately, precise diagnostic characters cannot currently be provided since we’ve been unable to obtain the type description, and little has been
Characters said to separate it from species such as C. ambiacus, C. agassizii, C. brevirostris, C. ephippifer, and C. melanistius include a combination of relatively elongated snout, dark spots on body fading in adults, dark anterior dorsal-fin patch extending to upper extremity of fin, and presence of spots in the caudal-fin.

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Corydoras cruziensis KNAACK, 2002

Santa Cruz Cory

March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm

This species is not well-documented but is said to differ from the comparable C. punctatus by possessing larger dark markings on the body which may form an irregular midlateral stripe in some specimens.

Unfortunately diagnostic characters cannot be provided since we’ve been unable to obtain the type description, and little has been written about the species since it was published.

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Corydoras copei NIJSSEN & ISBRÜCKER, 1986

March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm

This species is not well known and rarely traded for the aquarium hobby.

Unfortunately diagnostic characters cannot be provided since we’ve been unable to obtain the type description, and little has been written about this species since it was published. It looks very similar to several congeners, particularly C. acrensis and C. cruziensis.

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Corydoras condiscipulus NIJSSEN & ISBRÜCKER, 1980

March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm

This species occurs alongside the similar-looking congener C. oiapoquensis in nature, from which it can be told apart by the following combination of characters: larger adult size; narrower body (body breadth fits 4.0-4.4 times in standard length vs. 3.4-3.8 times in C. oiapoquensis); shorter pectoral spine (3.4-3.8 times in SL vs. 2.7-3.2 times); longer snout (1.7-1.9 times in SL vs. 2.0-2.2).

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Corydoras caudimaculatus RÖSSEL, 1961

Tailspot Cory

March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm

C. caudimaculatus may be confused with the congener C. similis but can be told apart by possession of a well-defined, blackish spot on the caudal peduncle vs. a ‘smudged’ bluish marking.

C. guapore also has a comparable colour pattern but possesses a distinctly rounded snout and tends to swim above the substrate.

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Corydoras brevirostris FRASER-BRUNNER, 1947

Spotted Cory

March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm

C. brevirostris was described from an aquarium specimen apparently exported from the Río Orinoco drainage in Venezuela, and its wider distribution is somewhat vague, usually being given as the Orinoco system plus unnamed coastal rivers in Suriname.

This represents a somewhat disjunct pattern of distribution and if correct the species is also likely to occur in Guyana.

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Corydoras bondi GOSLINE, 1940

Blackstripe Cory, C031

March 13th, 2012 — 1:22pm

Type locality is ‘Río Yuruari, 3 kilometers east of El Callao, 7°18’N, 61°50’W, Bolivar, Venezuela’, and this species is also known from the Rupununi River drianage in Guyana and the Courantyne/Corantijn system in Suriname.

The Yuruari, an affluent of the Río Cuyuni, an…

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Corydoras atropersonatus WEITZMAN & NIJSSEN, 1970

Fairy Cory

March 13th, 2012 — 1:22pm

This species is sometimes confused any of several similar-looking fishes such as C. sychri or C. sp. C097.

While the former is a more elongate fish with a longer snout and quite easy to identify, C097 resembles C. atropersonatus more closely, despite being traded as C. sychri ‘longnose’. Its snout is longer than that of C. atropersonatus but shorter than that of C. sychri, and the dark spots on the body tend to be more well-defined and spaced out than in the other two.

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