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Corydoras armatus (GÜNTHER, 1868)

March 13th, 2012 — 1:22pm

Fish collected in the upper rio Maderia basin in Brazil and Bolivia have been traded under the invented names C. sp. ‘dorsalis’ and C. sp. ‘ogawae’ in the past, although are officially-considered conspecific with C. armatus.

This appears to warrant investigation since the Río Huallaga in Peru, type locality of C. armatus, and collection localities in the upper Madeira are separated by a straight-line distance of almost 2500 km.

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Corydoras ambiacus COPE, 1872

March 13th, 2012 — 1:22pm

Described from the Río Ampiyacu, a small tributary draining into the main Amazon channel in Loreto Department, northeastern Peru, with additional records from the Yavarí (Javari), Napo, Nanay, and lower Ucayali drainage basins.

All of these are Amazon tributaries, and C. ambiacus appears to occur in most or all affluents of the main Amazon channel between th…

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Aspidoras pauciradiatus (WEITZMAN & NIJSSEN, 1970)

March 13th, 2012 — 1:22pm

This species is sometimes referred to as ‘false corydoras’ or ‘sixray corydoras’.

A. pauciradiatus can be distinguished from congeners by possession of 6 soft dorsal-fin rays, as opposed to 7 in other Aspidoras species, plus its distinctive colour pattern.

Aspidoras species are distinguished from the very…

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Xenentodon cancila (HAMILTON, 1822)

Freshwater Needlefish

March 13th, 2012 — 1:22pm

X. cancila is often seen referred to as ‘freshwater garfish’, and although it does superficially resemble the true gars of the family Lepisosteidae, it’s actually a member of the Belonidae, or needlefishes, the majority of which are marine or estuarine in existence.

There are currently just two species in the genus although the probable existence of a third member has been noted by Roberts (1989) among oth…

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Trachelyichthys exilis

Pygmy Driftwood Catfish

March 13th, 2012 — 1:22pm

Very similar to its congener T. decaradiatus, it can be distinguished by looking at the position of the eye, which is set much further back in decaradiatus. Also, the humeral process (long spine extending from the back of the gill plate), is longer and thinner in this species than decaradiatus. Neither are seen very often in the hobby, but are sometimes available at specialist outlets….


Trachelyichthys decaradiatus

March 13th, 2012 — 1:22pm

Very similar to its congener T. exilis, it can be distinguished by looking at the position of the eye which is set much further forward in exilis. Also, the humeral process (long spine extending from the back of the gill plate), is broader and shorter in this species than exilis. Neither are seen very often in the hobby….

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Liosomadoras oncinus

Jaguar Catfish

March 13th, 2012 — 1:22pm

Often confused with its congener, L. morrowi, the jaguar cat can be distinguished by its more attractive, brighter patterning and larger adult size. It's an ideal and good looking bottom dweller for the larger community. Previously considered a member of the Doradidae, due to the opercular spines, it has now been reclassified. It occurs over a wide range in nature, hence its apparent tolerance to wildly different water chemistry. In reality, its requirements are determined by collection loc…

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Liosomadoras morrowi

False Jaguar Catfish

March 13th, 2012 — 1:22pm

Often confused with its congener L. oncinus, the false jaguar cat can be distinguished by its less attractive, duller patterning. It's a good bottom dweller for the larger community….

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Auchenipterichthys coracoideus (EIGENMANN & ALLEN, 1942)

Midnight Catfish

March 13th, 2012 — 1:22pm

This species is also known by the alternative vernacular name of ‘Zamora woodcat’, and is often misidentified as A. thoracatus. The latter is a valid species and very similar to A. coracoideus in that the coracoid bone is exposed ventrally and covered only by a thin layer of integument in both species. The two differ principally in the number of anal fin rays…

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Ageneiosus marmoratus EIGENMANN, 1912

Bottlenose Catfish

March 13th, 2012 — 1:22pm

This species may also be seen on sale as 'Guyana slopehead catfish' 'dolphin catfish' or 'hammerhead catfish'. The attractive juvenile patterning is largely lost as the fish grow but this nevertheless remains an impressive predatory species for the larger aquarium.

The genus Ageneiosus was at one point classified in the family Ageneiosidae alongside the genus Tetranematichthys, but this was not accepted by all…

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