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Cichla ocellaris

Peacock Bass

March 13th, 2012 — 1:22pm

Due to their large size, Peacock Bass are only really recommended for the experienced fishkeeper that can house them adequately. That said, they are a hardy and robust species that will adapt to a variety of conditions.

Peacock Bass are becoming much more available in the hobby and are often seen for sale as cute 2" babies, often tempting people into buying a fish they will not be able to care for in the long term.

Peacock Bass are also fished as a sport fish….

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Cichla monoculus

Tucanare Peacock Bass

March 13th, 2012 — 1:22pm

Due to their large size, Peacock Bass are only really recommended for the experienced fishkeeper that can house them adequately. That said, they are a hardy and robust species that will adapt to a variety of conditions.

Peacock Bass are becoming much more available in the hobby and are often seen for sale as cute 2" babies, often tempting people into buying a fish they will not be able to care for in the long term.

Peacock Bass are also fished as a sport fish….

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Cryptoheros nanoluteus (ALLGAYER, 1994)

March 13th, 2012 — 1:22pm

Inhabits moderate to fast-flowing, well-oxygenated, lowland streams and rivers with pH measured to range between 5.4 and 8.0 and temperature 22-31°C/71.6-87.8°F, while conductivity at one habitat was 600 µS.

Substrates may be composed of open mud or sand, or strewn with variably-sized boulders depending on locality, while aquatic plants have not been observed.

It occurs sympatrically with the convict cichlid, Amatitlania nigrofasciata with oth…

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Apistogramma sp. 'Kelleri'

March 13th, 2012 — 1:22pm

This undescribed species was first collected and subsequently appeared in the aquarium hobby during 2008. It was exported again in late 2009 and early 2010 under the names A. sp. 'Jutai' and A. sp. 'diamond face', and said to have been collected in the Río Jutai, Amazonas state, Brazil. The Jutai is a south bank tributary of the Solimões but lies several hundred kilometres downstream of Leticia so this information, from a purportedly trustworthy source, initiall…

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Apistogramma trifasciata (EIGENMANN & KENNEDY, 1903)

Three-striped Apisto, A204

March 13th, 2012 — 1:22pm

This species is assigned the ‘A’ number A204 under the DATZ system with possibly conspecific, related forms coded A205 or A206 depending on collection locality and representing populations from Argentina and the rio Guaporé, respectively.

The genus Apistogramma is among the most speciose of South American cichlid genera with around 70 species valid at present but many more awaiting description.

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Apistogramma steindachneri (REGAN, 1908)

Steindachner's Apisto, A138

March 13th, 2012 — 1:22pm

This species is assigned the code A138 under the DATZ system, with the Venezuelan variant referred to as A139 for easy reference.

The genus Apistogramma is among the most speciose of South American cichlid genera with around 70 species valid at present but many more awaiting description. In addition many species exist in two or more geographical colour forms which may or may not turn out to be distinct in the future. Hobbyists tend to label these with collection dat…

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Mystus rhegma

March 13th, 2012 — 1:22pm

An irregular import and little is known about it's natural behaviour. It is however an ideal peaceful catfish for larger communities and as with many other bagrids, is somewhat underrated in the hobby.

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Mystus mysticetus

March 13th, 2012 — 1:22pm

Apparently this species is often seen living and feeding with a congener, M. multiradiatus in large shoals. It is the only species of Mystus to possess laterally positioned eyes, all the others having their eyes in a dorsolateral position. It is an ideal peaceful catfish for larger communities and as with many other bagrids, is in our opinion somewhat underrated in the hobby….

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Apistogramma panduro RÖMER, 1987

March 13th, 2012 — 1:22pm

This species is also known by the alternative vernacular names 'blue panda cichlid', 'blue sky dwarf cichlid and 'azure cichlid' as well as the confusing trade name A.sp. 'pandurini'. It has also been assigned the 'A' number A183 under the DATZ system with possibly conspecific, related forms similarly numbered A184 or A185 depending on locality.

It can be distinguished from similar-looking species by the length of the lower jaw which characte…

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Apistogramma norberti STAECK, 1991

March 13th, 2012 — 1:22pm

Prior to decription this species was known as A. sp. ‘großmaul’ or ‘bigmouth’, and it has also been assigned the code A190 under the DATZ system.

The genus Apistogramma is among the most speciose of South American cichlid genera with around 70 species valid at present but many more awaiting description. In addition many species exist in two or more geographical colour forms which may or may not turn out to be distinct in the future. Hobbyists tend to label these with collection data if available in order to avoid mixing them and the potential of hybridisation.

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