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Apistogramma hongsloi KULLANDER, 1979

March 13th, 2012 — 1:22pm

The genus Apistogramma is among the most speciose of South American cichlid genera with around 70 species valid at present but many more awaiting description. In addition many species exist in two or more geographical colour forms which may or may not turn out to be distinct in the future. Hobbyists tend to label these with collection data if available in order to avoid mixing them and the potential of hybridisation.

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Mystus leucophasis

Asian Upside Down Catfish

March 13th, 2012 — 1:22pm

Like some members of the African catfish genus Synodontis, this species spends the vast majority of it's time swimming in an inverted position. It is often seen for sale at only a couple of inches in length and may be confused with the popular (and much smaller) Synodontis nigriventris. It can easily be distinguished from this species by its patterning. It does not exhibit the or brown colours of the Synodontis and is a uniform black colour all over. Larger specimens may have some lighter c…

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Apistogramma hoignei MEINKEN, 1965

March 13th, 2012 — 1:22pm

The genus Apistogramma is among the most speciose of South American cichlid genera with around 70 species valid at present but many more awaiting description. In addition many species exist in two or more geographical colour forms which may or may not turn out to be distinct in the future. Hobbyists tend to label these with collection data if available in order to avoid mixing them and the potential of hybridisation.

Member species have also been organised into a series of species lineages, sublineages, complexes and groups by authors in order to better separate them.

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Mystus bleekeri

Day's Mystus

March 13th, 2012 — 1:22pm

This species superficially resembles the more common (in the hobby) M. vittatus, but can be distinguished by its larger adult size and much longer adipose fin. It is an ideal peaceful catfish for larger communities and as with many other bagrids, is in our opinion somewhat underrated in the hobby….

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Mystus bimaculatus

Two Spot Mystus

March 13th, 2012 — 1:22pm

A delightful little species that deserves greater popularity in the hobby. All attempts at captive breeding should be encouraged, as its natural habitat is in danger of destruction by human activity.

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Cryptoheros myrnae (LOISELLE, 1997)

March 13th, 2012 — 1:22pm

In its natural waters, females have been observed caring for mixed broods containing both their own fry and those of another cichlid, Amphilophus bussingi. It is unknown if these are mixed by accident (as the two species have also been recorded tending broods in close proximity to one another) or if this represents an adaptive behaviour to increase numbers in a brood and therefore decrease the chance of predation.

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Apistogramma eunotus KULLANDER, 1981

March 13th, 2012 — 1:22pm

The genus Apistogramma is among the most speciose of South American cichlid genera with around 70 species valid at present but many more awaiting description. In addition many species exist in two or more geographical colour forms which may or may not turn out to be distinct in the future. Hobbyists tend to label these with collection data if available in order to avoid mixing them and the potential of hybridisation.

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Hyalobagrus flavus

Shadow Catfish

March 13th, 2012 — 1:22pm

For many years this species has (and still is) imported as Pelteobagrus ornatus. It was assigned to the new genus Hyalobagrus, and discovered to be a distinct species, during a taxonomic revision of the Bagridae family in 1998. The other 2 species which were also thought to be P. ornatus are H. leiacanthus and H. ornatus. Apparently these two are imported rarely, if ever.

Unlike the vast majority of catfish, H. flavus is a diurnal species, and spends much of its time swimming in shoals in m…

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Parambassis wolffii

Duskyfin Glass Fish

March 13th, 2012 — 1:22pm

This species is an infrequent import. It is very common in it's native countries, where it is used as a food fish.

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Parambassis siamensis

March 13th, 2012 — 1:22pm

This occasional import is sometimes offered for sale as P. ranga, the Indian glass fish. Unlike that species however, P. siamensis is an exclusively freshwater fish and should never be kept under brackish conditions. It can be distinguished from ranga by the lack of patterning behind the eye and it's generally more elongate body….

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