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Oxydoras niger

Ripsaw Catfish

March 13th, 2012 — 1:21pm

Previously referred to a Pseudodoras niger, the Ripsaw Cat is a fish only for the experienced fishkeeper due to its large adult size. Although a visually stunning fish, realistically, it is best suited to public aquaria. Much more peaceful than its common name suggests, which it gets from the spines that run down the lateral line of the fish.

This fish is becoming more readily available to the hobby and prices are also falling, meaning that many fishkeepers are being tempted into buying a fis…

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Brachyplatystoma filamentosum (LICHTENSTEIN, 1819)


March 13th, 2012 — 1:21pm

In the Amazon region it is only specimens larger than around 160 cm and werighing in excess of 50 kg that are referred to as ‘Piraíba’ with the name ‘filhote’ normally applied to smaller individuals. Other vernacular names include ‘Salton catfish’, ‘Kumakuma’; and ‘tiger antenna catfish’; with members of the genus often referred to collectively as ‘goliath catfishes’.

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Platydoras armatulus

Humbug Catfish

March 13th, 2012 — 1:21pm

This popular species is also sold as the striped dora, striped raphael or striped talking catfish. It's often seen as an ideal beginner's cat, being hardy and tolerant of a wide range of water conditions. However its secretive nature, adult size and tendency to snack on smaller tankmates mean it should only be considered for communities of larger fish.

The 'talking catfish' moniker is derived from the fish's ability to produce sounds when communicating with conspecif…

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Nemadoras leporhinus

Mouse Catfish

March 13th, 2012 — 1:21pm

Ther are currently five described species of Nemadoras (N. elongatus, N. hemipeltis, N. humeralis, N. leporhinus and N. trimaculatus). All are rare in the hobby, although this species is the one most commonly seen. As well as the occasional import, it sometimes shows up as bycatch among batches of similar-looking Hassar or Hemidoras species. Of these, it is most often confused with Hemidoras stenopeltis. These two can be easily told apart as N. leporhinus has a clearwith a dark patch at the base…

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Hypoptopoma incognitum

March 13th, 2012 — 1:21pm

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Megalodoras uranoscopus

Giant Raphael Catfish

March 13th, 2012 — 1:21pm

This species is also known by the vernacular name "ripsaw catfish" (U.S.) and was often referred to by the scientific name M. irwini, now considered a junior synonym of M. uranoscopus, in older literature. Within the family Doradidae the genus Megalodoras is considered most closely-related to Lithodoras, Centrodoras and Platydoras, respectively.

Members of the family Doradidae can be distinguished from all other Siluriformes by possession of a unique infranuchal scute, a dermal bon…

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Leptodoras linnelli

Elongate Mouse Catfish

March 13th, 2012 — 1:21pm

The genus Leptodoras currently contains 10 species, none of which are particularly well known in the hobby. There is little published information regarding the genus, and its members are seldom exported for the aquatic trade.

L. linnelli is no exception, usually only turning up as bycatch among shipments of other species such as Opsodoras leporhinus or Hassar orestis. According to Fishbase, it can be distinguished from all other members of the genus except L. acipenserinus by the presence of…

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Hassar orestis

Black-top Mouse Catfish

March 13th, 2012 — 1:21pm

This species can be quite delicate when first imported, but once settled is usually quite hardy. When buying the fish, check that it has a rounded belly and that its eyes aren't sunken. These are classic signs of emaciation in newly imported specimens, and fish in this condition do not often survive for long. If you can find healthy specimens for sale, it is a charming addition to the larger community tank.

It is superficially similar to the closely related Nemadoras leporhinus. The two …

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Amblydoras nauticus (COPE, 1874)

Marbled Talking Catfish

March 13th, 2012 — 1:21pm

This species was previously thought to be, and is often still sold as, A. hancockii, a name currently considered synonymous with Platydoras hancockii (Valenciennes 1840). It’s also known by the vernacular names of blue-eyed catfish or Hancock’s doradid, and in many ways is an ideal beginners’ catfish, being hardy and tolerant of a wide range of water conditions…

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Agamyxis pectinifrons (COPE, 1870)

Spotted Talking Catfish

March 13th, 2012 — 1:21pm

This species, which may also be referred to by the alternative vernacular names 'spotted raphael', 'white-spotted' or 'white-barred' catfish, is very common in the trade and despite its adult size is recommended to beginners and experienced aquarists alike since it is hardy, attractive and relatively-long-lived. The light body markings are highly variable in terms of exact placement and may be either white or pale to darkish yellow in colour.

It is very similar i…

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