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Elopichthys bambusa (RICHARDSON, 1845)

October 18th, 2014 — 8:29pm

The adult size and power of this impressive predator preclude it from consideration as an aquarium species, but young individuals are nevertheless available in the ornamental trade on an irregular basis therefore it is included here.

It is an entirely unsuitable choice for the home aquarium and the majority of zoos and public aquaria would probably struggle to maintain it in adequate conditions.

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Danionella translucida ROBERTS, 1986

October 18th, 2014 — 5:47pm

The anatomical structure of miniaturised cyprinids can vary greatly; there are two putative groups with some species possessing intermediate features to some degree. The first contains those fishes which though small are essentially proportionally dwarfed versions of their larger relatives.

The other includes those in which anatomical development stops at a point where adult still resemble a larval form of their larger ancestor, as in…

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Danionella priapus BRITZ, 2009

October 18th, 2014 — 5:02pm

As far as we know this species has not been bred in aquaria although Pete Liptrot and Paul Dixon of the Bolton Museum Aquarium, UK, have achieved great success with an unidentified congener. They first noticed fry from their group of 24 adults after moving the school to a dedicated set-up planted with mature Java moss and have since rewarded with regular batches of fry.

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Cyclocheilos enoplos (BLEEKER, 1849)

October 13th, 2014 — 8:47pm

In the Mekong, it has been observed to migrate upstream from Phnom Penh to Khone Falls between November and February, returning downstream between May and August. The downstream migration ends in the Mekong delta area in Vietnam, where the fish remain until the floods reach their peak in October and November. These lower Mekong migrations mostly comprise juveniles and sub-adults, whereas above Khone Falls…

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Cyclocheilichthys lagleri SONTIRAT, 1985

October 13th, 2014 — 7:08pm

As with others in the genus little has been written regarding captive care of this species, but it makes a peaceful and unusual addition to larger aquaria. The best way of obtaining it may be to keep an eye on shipments of wild fishes from Indochina.

It can be distinguished from congeners by possessing 20 circumpeduncular scales and lacking barbels entirely.

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Cyclocheilichthys armatus (VALENCIENNES, 1842)

September 30th, 2014 — 5:21pm

It can be distinguished from congeners by possessing one or two pairs of barbels, a black blotch at the base of the caudal-fin, and rows of dark spots along the lateral scale rows.

Members of Cyclocheilichthys are characterised by possessing a serrated dorsal fin spine, 9 branched pelvic fin rays, a conical snout, small, subterminal…

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Ctenopharyngodon idella (VALENCIENNES, 1844)

Grass Carp

September 30th, 2014 — 12:57pm

Despite being a wholly unsuitable aquarium subject, C. idella is often traded as such, with an albino form having been developed specifically for the ornamental market.

Individuals which have outgrown their aquarium or pond should never be released into natural waters, either, since this species has proven capable of causing serious environmental damage under a wide range of climatic conditions.

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Crossocheilus elegans KOTTELAT & TAN, 2011

September 29th, 2014 — 5:31pm

This species can be most easily distinguished from other members of the genus by its colour pattern which consists of a blackish midlateral stripe extending from the tip of the gill opening to the middle of the caudal-fin base, which is separated from the dark brown dorsum by a pale yellowish brown stripe. This differs from the pattern seen in other Crossocheilus species with a black midlateral stripe in which the the dorsum is olive brown and much paler than the midlateral stripe, there is no yellow stripe between the dorsum and the black stripe, and the black stripe extends to the tip of the snout.

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Crossocheilus cobitis (BLEEKER, 1854)

September 29th, 2014 — 4:56pm

Given its wide natural range it seems logical that this species is or has been available in the aquarium trade, although its correct name may never have been applied.

It is told apart from congeners by the following combination of characters: two pairs of barbels; a continuous midlateral stripe from the tip of the snout to the base of the caudal-fin, with a conspicuous small blotch at the posterior extremity, faintly marked on the caudal-fin; a faint mark between the anus and the anal-fin origin in juveniles; a narrow mouth.

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Crossocheilus burmanicus HORA, 1936

August 25th, 2014 — 3:17pm

We’ve been unable to obtain a diagnosis for this species to date but it can at least be distinguished from those congeners traded as ‘Crossocheilus siamensis’ (an invalid name synonymous with C. oblongus, which is itself of questionable identity), ‘Siamese algae eater’, or ‘SAE’ by the fact that the dark lateral stripe does not extend into the caudal-fin.

Members of Crossocheilus are characterised by…

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