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Mimagoniates microlepis

Blue Tetra

March 13th, 2012 — 1:21pm

Not to be confused with the other species commonly sold under the name "blue tetra", Knodus borki, this species is much scarcer in the hobby. It also makes a better resident of the community tank than its cousin, being less boisterous and lacking the tendency to nip the fins of other species….

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Hasemania nana

Silvertip Tetra

March 13th, 2012 — 1:21pm

The genus Hasemania is one of the few in the family Characidae in which members do not possess an adipose fin. This species is ubiquitous in most dealers' tanks and is one of the best choices for the newcomer to fishkeeping. All the fish sold in the trade have been captive bred and as such are unfussy with regard to both water chemistry and diet. It is sometimes seen for sale with the common name 'copper tetra'….

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Gymnocorymbus ternetzi

Black Widow Tetra

March 13th, 2012 — 1:21pm

This species is ubiquitous in most dealers' tanks and is one of the best choices for the newcomer to fishkeeping. All the fish sold in the trade have been captive bred and as such are unfussy regarding water chemistry and diet. The intense black colouration of juveniles does fade as they grow, but adult fish provide a subtle contrast to most other commonly kept species.

It goes by several common names, including 'butterfly tetra', 'black skirt tetra' and simply '…

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Oreochromis niloticus niloticus

Nile Tilapia

March 13th, 2012 — 1:21pm

One of the most invasive fish species in the world but also one of the most economically important, O. niloticus is bred in huge numbers in many countries as a food fish. It is often cross-bred with other Oreochromis species for colour in order to make the fish more appealing to consumers.

The destructive effect of O. niloticus on non-native ecosystems into which it escapes or is released is mainly due to it's adaptibility. It has been recorded over a temperature range of 60-110°F an…

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Oreochromis mossambicus

Mozambique Mouthbrooder

March 13th, 2012 — 1:21pm

One of the most invasive fish species in the world, O. mossambicus is one of the species farmed for supermarkets and restaurants across the globe. Several colour varieties have been selectively bred from the natural green fish to make the fish more appealing to consumers and unsurprisingly, it is these more brightly coloured forms which are usually seen in aquaria. Some of these variants are cross breeds with other species of Oreochromis.

The destructive effect of O. mossambicus on non-nativ…

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Gymnocorymbus bondi

Silver Tetra

March 13th, 2012 — 1:21pm

Not often seen in the hobby, probably because it's a fairly bland species when mature. Juveniles are more attractive, possessing reddish unpaired fins, but these fade as the fish mature. It is, however, both peaceful and hardy and is a good choice for the beginner. It is sometimes seen labelled as G. socolofi. This name is now considered a junior synonym of G. bondi….

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Corynopoma riisei

Swordtail Characin

March 13th, 2012 — 1:21pm

This unusual tetra is not often seen on sale in the trade, but is never particularly expensive when available. It is currently the only member in the genus although the family Glandulocaudinae actually contains about 20 member genera. None are especially popular aquarium fish, although a couple of Mimagoniates species are occasionally seen in the hobby.

Almost all members of the Glandulocaudinae are characterised by the presence of secretory caudal glands in male fish, the particular structur…

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Charax condei

Small-scale Glass Tetra

March 13th, 2012 — 1:21pm

This rarely seen Characin occasionally shows up in the trade, usually as a contaminant among shipments of more popular species. It's sometimes referred to as Asiphonichthys condei in older literature.

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Alcolapia alcalica (HILGENDORF, 1905)

Soda Cichlid

March 13th, 2012 — 1:21pm

This cichlid is a true wonder of nature. It lives in a soda lake which is full of hot, alkaline springs. The water contains a high concentration of sodium carbonate and other dissolved minerals and salts. The water conditions in the lake are typically pH 9.5-10.5, kH 7000+ and temperature 90-110°F! The water also has a sg reading of 1.2+ and is very shallow, having a maximum depth of only 2 metres. The fish can be acclimatised to more 'normal' conditions but the pH should not be al…

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Chalceus erythrurus


March 13th, 2012 — 1:21pm

This species can be distinguished from its congener C. macrolepidotus mainly by the red or yellow (as opposed to pink) caudal fin. In addition, it has yellow pectoral and pelvic fins and may also have some yellow colouration on the body. It is seen for sale as often as its relative, although it's quite abundant in nature….

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