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Neolamprologus pulcher (TREWAVAS & POLL, 1952)


March 13th, 2012 — 1:21pm

Deservedly one of the most popular Tanganyikan species available in the hobby, N. brichardi is ideal for newcomers to both Rift Lake cichlids and cichlids in general, being beautiful and easy to keep and breed. It is seen for sale under several common names including "Fairy Cichlid", "Lyretail Cichlid" and "Princess of Burundi". There are several colour morphs available, although these do not vary much in patterning, and an albino form is also occasionally available…

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Neolamprologus brevis

March 13th, 2012 — 1:21pm

N. brevis is one of the commoner species of shell dweller available in the hobby. Several colour morphs are available including "sunspot", "katabe" and "sambia". As mentioned above, it is often found in areas within Lake Tanganyika where relatively few snail shells collect and in these areas, pairs of fish will share the same shell. This behaviour may or may not be observed in the aquarium, depending on the number of shells provided and the individual fish. The terr…

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Neolamprologus boulengeri

March 13th, 2012 — 1:21pm

N. boulengeri can be distinguished from the similar N. hecqui and Lamprologus kungweensis primarily by the orange border on the dorsal and anal fins, although its adult patterning is somewhat different to the other species. Unlike many other shell dwellers, it will spawn in small caves if no shells are made available….

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Congochromis sabinae (LAMBOJ, 2005)

March 13th, 2012 — 1:21pm

This species was present in the hobby for some time prior to being officially described and the spectacular red fish first exported by Pierre Brichard in the 1960s appears to be a regional form of it. It was also known variously as Nanochromis sp. 'Bamanja', N. sp. 'Genema', N. sp. 'Makoua' and N. sp. Bloody Mary' prior to description, and continues to be mislabelled as N. squamiceps on trade lists.

Diagnosis of C. sabinae is possible via a combination of c…

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Nanochromis parilus

March 13th, 2012 — 1:21pm

N. parilus is one of the commoner Nanochromis in the hobby as it is more easily collected from its natural waters than most species. It is easily confused with the less often seen N. nudiceps but can be distinguished by the fact that male fish exhibit a barred patterning inn the upper half of the which is not present in nudiceps. Females can be distinguished by the unpatterned lower part of the caudal, which is spotted in nudiceps. There are a couple of geographical variants available.

We do …

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Nanochromis nudiceps

March 13th, 2012 — 1:21pm

This species is rarely imported. It is easily confused with N. parilus but can be distinguished by the fact that male fish lack the barring seen in the upper part of the of parilus and have dark edges to the scales on the body. Females can be distinguished by the spotting in the lower part of the caudal, which is unpatterned in parilus.

We do not recommend this species to the beginner due to its very specific water and care requirements….

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Thayeria ifati

Half-striped Penguin Tetra

March 13th, 2012 — 1:21pm

There are only three species in the genus Thayeria, of which T. ifati is the least often seen in the hobby. This is a shame as it's a very pretty little fish. The holotype was collected from the upper Rio Maroni, close to the settlement of Gaa Kabaon on the French Guiana/Suriname border by the famous ichthyologist Jacques Géry in 1957. Géry also described the species in 1959. Of its congeners, it was the type species T. obliqua that was originally given the common name of &quo…

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Thayeria obliqua

Penguin Tetra

March 13th, 2012 — 1:21pm

There are only three species in the genus Thayeria, of which Thayeria boehlkei is by far the most popular in the hobby. This is a shame, as T. obliqua is an equally attractive fish. It is the type species of the genus and was the original "penguin" fish or tetra, although Thayeria boehlkei is now usually sold under this name. T. sanctaemariae, described by Ladiges in 1951 is now classed as a synonym of T. obliqua.

The species are easy to tell apart, as in Thayeria boehlkei the thic…

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Thayeria boehlkei

False Penguin Tetra

March 13th, 2012 — 1:20pm

There are only three species in the genus Thayeria, of which T. boehlkei is by far the most popular in the hobby. Of its congeners, it was the type species T. obliqua that was originally given the common name of "penguin" fish or tetra, although T. boehlkei is usually sold under the same name (we've also seen it on sale as "hockeystick" tetra). The two are easy to tell apart, as in T. boehlkei the thick black stripe extending from the lower lobe of the travels laterally …

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Nanochromis transvestitus

March 13th, 2012 — 1:20pm

One of our favourite dwarf cichlids, N. transvestitus is a truly stunning fish when in good condition. However, it is not recommended to the beginner due to its very specific water requirements. The scientific name is derived from the fact that the female is the more colourful fish, making it something of an oddity….

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