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Corydoras metae EIGENMANN, 1914

Bandit Cory

March 13th, 2012 — 1:19pm

Endemic to the Río Meta, a major tributary of the Río Orinoco in eastern Colombia and western Venezuela. It is known from several tributaries within the upper basin including the ríos Humea, Ocoa, Guatiquía (including its two branches the ríos Negrito and Guayuriba), Manacacias, and Metica (the name given to the upper Río Meta above its confluence with the Río Humea). It appears to be absent from the lower Meta and has not been recorded in Venezuela.

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Synodontis contracta

Big-nosed Upside-down Catfish

March 13th, 2012 — 1:19pm

Often confused with the similar S.nigriventris, this species is imported infrequently. It is easily distinguished from nigriventris by its larger eyes and broad mouth and head. These features give rise to the common name "Big-nosed upside-down catfish". S. contracta spends the majority of its time swimming in an inverted position and this, along with its exaggerated facial features,make it a characterful and interesting addition to the community aquarium. It is also known as the Bug-e…


Synodontis nigrita

False Upside-down Catfish

March 13th, 2012 — 1:19pm

This is one of the most common Synos seen in dealers' tanks and is often incorrectly labelled "Upside-down catfish". The true upside-down catfish is S. nigriventris and S. nigrita inverts far less frequently than that species although it does often rest in this position. Moreover, S. nigrita grows far larger than S. nigriventris and it is a common sight to see several adult specimens in shops that have been returned by unsuspecting owners.

S. nigrita is often confused with the…

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Corydoras melini LÖNNBERG & RENDAHL, 1930

False Bandit Cory

March 13th, 2012 — 1:19pm

In the aquarium hobby, the population from the rio Tiquié has been referred to as ‘C084’, while a similar, but larger, form from the Río Huallaga in Peru is known as ‘C085’. Both forms have been marketed as C. sp. ‘mega metae’.

The existence of multiple, similarly-coloured species which coexist and sometimes form mixed schools is relatively common in the genus.

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Corydoras melanotaenia

Green-gold Cory

March 13th, 2012 — 1:19pm

There are currently over 180 described species of Corydoras (commonly shortened to "cory"), making it one of the most speciose of all South American fish genera. There are also loads of undescribed species, many of which have been assigned a "C number" for identification purposes. This is a very simple system of numbering and is similar to the L number scheme used to identify undescribed Loricariids. Both systems were implemented by the German aquarium magazine DATZ (Die Aqua…

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Corydoras melanistius

Spotted Cory

March 13th, 2012 — 1:19pm

There are currently over 180 described species of Corydoras (commonly shortened to "cory"), making it one of the most speciose of all South American fish genera. There are also loads of undescribed species, many of which have been assigned a "C number" for identification purposes. This is a very simple system of numbering and is similar to the L number scheme used to identify undescribed Loricariids. Both systems were implemented by the German aquarium magazine DATZ (Die Aqua…


Corydoras leucomelas EIGENMANN & ALLEN, 1942

Blackfin Cory

March 13th, 2012 — 1:19pm

There are currently over 180 described species of Corydoras (commonly shortened to "cory"), making it one of the most speciose of all South American fish genera. There are also loads of undescribed species, many of which have been assigned a "C number" for identification purposes. This is a very simple system of numbering and is similar to the L number scheme used to identify undescribed Loricariids. Both systems were implemented by the German aquarium magazine DATZ (Die Aqua…

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Synodontis granulosa

March 13th, 2012 — 1:19pm

One of the most stunning and sought after species of Synodontis and though the cost of ownership has dropped slightly, it still commands a high price. Its natural deep water habitat, limited range and solitary lifestyle make collection for the hobby difficult and so it is rarely seen for sale. It also appears that the areas of the lake in which it occurs are threatened with ecological disaster.

In the aquarium S. granulosa is intelligent and can develop into a real character, with many speci…

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Synodontis flavitaeniata

Pyjama Synodontis

March 13th, 2012 — 1:19pm

Also known as the Orange Striped Squeaker, in our opinion this fish is one of the most attractively patterned Synos. S. flavitaeniata can vary considerably in patterning and colouration but is difficult to misidentify.

This fish is more sensitive to deteriorating water quality than many Syno species so aquarium maintenance must be rigorous. When it was first imported 25 or so years ago it commanded an extortionate price but thankfully is affordable today.

Its flexibility with regards to w…

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Labeotropheus trewavasae

Trewavas' Cichlid

March 13th, 2012 — 1:19pm

This species has the characteristic overhanging snout possessed by all three members of the genus. It also has chisel-shaped teeth which are designed for scraping algae off rocks. These physical adaptations give it a competitive advantage, as they allow it to graze from rocks situated in very shallow water which other species cannot reach. The position of the mouth allows the fish to remain parallel to the rock surfaces, thus enabling it to cope with the turbulence in these areas.

L. trewava…

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