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Hemichromis lifalili

Blood-Red Jewel Cichlid

March 13th, 2012 — 1:19pm

Often confused with Hemichromis bimaculatus. These species can be easily distinguished as H. lifalili have only two black spots on the flanks whereas H. bimaculatus has three, having an extra spot on the caudal peduncle. It can also be told apart from the similar red form of H. guttatus by comparing the midlateral markings of the two. In lifalli the marking is round and is situated above the lateral line. In guttatus the marking is oval in shape and some of it extends below the lateral line.

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Hemichromis bimaculatus

Jewel Cichlid

March 13th, 2012 — 1:19pm

Not recommended for the beginner or for the general community tank, despite often being sold as such. The Jewel Cichlid is regularly seen in the trade. Recently, Hemichromis lifalili has become the more popular fish. These species can be easily distinguished as H. lifalili have only 2 black spots on the flanks whereas H. bimaculatus has 3, having an extra spot on the caudal peduncle….

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Anomalochromis thomasi (BOULENGER, 1915)

African Butterfly Cichlid

March 13th, 2012 — 1:19pm

Often overlooked when seen for sale, as juveniles can appear a little dull, A. thomasi is actually one of the best choices for the newcomer to dwarf cichlids. It is relatively undemanding, peaceful, easily bred and quite beautiful once settled into the aquarium.

The species is currently monotypic, although several colour forms are available from time to time. In the future some or all of these may prove to be distinct species….

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Cichlasoma salvini

Salvini, Salvin's Cichlid

March 13th, 2012 — 1:19pm

Salvin's Cichlid has a well deserved reputation for aggression, especially when breeding.

They are regularly available in the trade and make an extremely colourful addition to any north/central American aggression tank. Take care when choosing tank mates, however. If only this species is kept in the tank, it will be quite shy until mature or until the natural domination order has been established. If a single fish of this species is kept alone, it will be extremely shy, usually choosing …

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Gymnogeophagus balzanii

Paraguay Eartheater

March 13th, 2012 — 1:19pm

A very interesting species that sadly is only recommended to the specialist able to provide it with the specific conditions it requires for its long term health. There are a couple of different colour forms available, dependant on locality.

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Amatitlania nigrofasciata (GÜNTHER, 1867)

Convict Cichlid

March 13th, 2012 — 1:19pm

A hugely popular and very adaptable species, the convict is one of the most ubiquitous fish in the hobby. It is often referred to by synonyms such as Cryptoheros nigrofasciatus and Cichlasoma nigrofasciatus. It's difficult to know how much to recommend it to the beginner, as despite its hardiness and ease of breeding, it's not really a community fish. However, if you want to breed a species and witness some amazing parental behaviour, it's an unreserved recommendation. It now exis…

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Ctenops nobilis MCCLELLAND, 1845

Frail Gourami

March 13th, 2012 — 1:19pm

This species is also referred to by the alternative vernacular name of 'noble gourami' and is currently the only recognised member of the genus Ctenops. It is usually regarded as being very difficult to keep whereas in reality it is quite adaptable once acclimatised but appears to react poorly to the export and shipping process meaning it is often seen on sale in poor condition and susceptible to or already infested with secondary health issues such as Oödinium, to which it appear…

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Uaru amphiacanthoides


March 13th, 2012 — 1:19pm

A large, peaceful South American cichlid. Uaru can make very interesting aquarium subjects.

They require clean, well filtered water on the higher end of the temprature scale.

Avoid keeping with overly aggressive fish, Uaru are happiest when kept in groups or pairs….

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Semaprochilodus taeniurus

Flagtail Characin

March 13th, 2012 — 1:19pm

Semaprochilodus are one of the most common and widespread shoaling fish found in South America. Over a dozen species have been described but most are never imported. They are used as food fish in their native countries. It makes a stunning addition to a community of larger fish.

S. taeniurus is also sold as the Silver Prochilodus or Fei Feng. Along with some congeners, it is commonly known as the Jaraqui in Brazil. It is an interesting species both ecologically and biologically. In nature it…

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Semaprochilodus insignis

Flagtail Prochilodus

March 13th, 2012 — 1:19pm

Semaprochilodus are one of the most common and widespread shoaling fish found in South America. Over a dozen species have been described but most are never imported. They are used as food fish in their native countries. It makes a stunning addition to a community of larger fish.

Along with some congeners, S. insignis is commonly known as the Jaraqui in Brazil. It is an interesting species both ecologically and biologically. In nature it migrates over large distances in huge shoals according …

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