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Poecilia reticulata PETERS, 1859


March 13th, 2012 — 1:18pm

One of the most popular aquarium fish in the world, the guppy is instantly recognisable to most people. There are many aquarium bred varieties of this species available, most have elongated finnage and gaudy colouration. The wild form is seldom seen for sale. Unfortunately many commercially bred guppies are not very hardy due to inbreeding and over-production and are prone to disease and premature death. We therefore recommend the purchase of quality stock from breeders or society auctions.
P. …

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Osphronemus goramy

Giant Gourami

March 13th, 2012 — 1:18pm

An incredibly hardy, long-lived fish which can survive for over 20 years in captivity. These fish develop real personality and can learn to recognise their owner. They are often sold as cute juveniles in aquatic shops with no information provided as to their adult size. The young have an attractive barred patterning which fades as the fish grow, which they do very quickly. A golden variety also exists in aquaria.

O. goramy is cultured commercially for food on a large scale in several countrie…

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Paracheirodon innesi (MYERS, 1936)

Neon Tetra

March 13th, 2012 — 1:18pm

One of the most popular and instantly recognisable fishes in the aquarium hobby, this species has been selectively-bred to produce a number of additional strains including albino, ‘golden’ (leucistic), short-bodied, long-finned and ‘diamond’ (in which the dorsal surface is covered in reflective scales).

Unfortunately years of commercial breeding have somewhat affected the genetic vigour of the ornamental strain meaning morphological defects an…

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Trichopodus trichopterus

Three-spot Gourami

March 13th, 2012 — 1:18pm

This species is available in many different colour forms and varieties, all of which have been selectively bred for the aquarium trade. These are seen much more often than the natural form, which is the blue-grey three spotted fish. They include gold, opaline, cosby, marbled and silver forms. T. trichopterus is one of the hardiest fish commonly available in the trade and can adapt to many different water conditions. However it is recommended to the beginner with reservations regarding it's …


Polypterus senegalus senegalus

Senegal Bichir

March 13th, 2012 — 1:18pm

An incredibly hardy, nocturnal species with very poor vision, P. senegalus relies on its excellent sense of smell to locate food. This species, along with others of its genus, are some of the last surviving relatives of very ancient species. Fossils of earlier relatives have been found that date back to the Triassic Period, which occured during the early development of the dinosaurs more than 200 million years ago.

They have several interesting adaptations. The swim bladder is divided into 2 …

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Trichopodus pectoralis

Snakeskin Gourami

March 13th, 2012 — 1:18pm

This species is not often seen for sale but is a very good addition to the larger community tank. It is cultured commercially for food in it's native countries, and is used to make a particularly tasty fish soup! The snakeskin gourami can also produce 'cracking' noises, especially during breeding or territorial exchanges….

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Trichopodus leerii

Pearl Gourami

March 13th, 2012 — 1:18pm

A very hardy, beautiful species which is highly recommended to the beginner. A male in full breeding dress is one of the most stunning fish available in the hobby. T. leerii is alo fairly long-lived and may survive for 8 years or more in the aquarium. These fish will also consume the aquarium pest hydra….


Heros efasciatus


March 13th, 2012 — 1:18pm

The severum is one of the most poular and readily available cichids in the hobby, however not everyone realises that these fish can attain a fairly large size and are therefore not suitable for every aquarium. The fish is normally sold in the standard green variety and also gold.

Severums make good fish for a South American community setup, as long as there are no fish small enough for them to eat. They grow quite quickly, so should be housed in an adequately sized tank from the start….


Serrasalmus marginatus

March 13th, 2012 — 1:18pm

There are currently 24 described species of Serrasalmus, many of which look superficially similar. S. marginatus has at various times been considered a synonym of S. rhombeus and S. humeralis, but is currently considered to be distinct. It's main distinguishing feature is usually given as the thick, black, v-shaped marking in the anterior portion of the caudal fin. Juveniles are said to differ from similar-looking species such as S. compressus and S. altuvei because the dark body "spot…

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Trichopodus microlepis

Moonlight Gourami

March 13th, 2012 — 1:18pm

T. microlepis is not as colourful as some other gouramis but can make a striking addition to the community tank. The modified ventral fins are considerably longer than in other gourami species. It is often used as a food fish in its native countries….

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