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Sphaerichthys selatanensis VIERKE, 1979

Crossband Chocolate Gourami

March 13th, 2012 — 1:18pm

This species is only occasionally seen in the hobby and sometimes sold as 'cherry chocolate gourami'. It was originally described as a subspecies of S. osphromenoides since the two are very similar-looking but has been considered a species in its own right since the late 1980s.

The two differ in the number ofrays (7 in S. selatanensis vs. 9-10 in S. osphromenoides),rays (7 vs. 8),…

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Sphaerichthys osphromenoides CANESTRINI, 1860

Chocolate Gourami

March 13th, 2012 — 1:18pm

The genus Sphaerichthys currently comprises four species with S. osphromenoides by far the best known in the hobby. It’s easily distinguishable from the congeners S. vaillanti and S. acrostoma since both exhibit a notably more elongate head and body profile, reverse sexual dimorphism (i.e. females are the more colourful/strongly-patterened), and are paternal mouthbrooders.

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Trichogaster lalius

Dwarf Gourami

March 13th, 2012 — 1:18pm

The Dwarf Gourami is one of the most ubiquitous freshwater species in the aquarium hobby, and is unarguably a beautiful fish. Several colour forms have been line-bred for the trade and have also proved popular. These include "Sunset" (also sold as "Red" or "Robin") and "Neon" varieties, although it's highly debatable whether these come close to matching the brilliance of the natural form.

Unfortunately the general quality of dwarf gouramis availab…


Trichogaster labiosa

Thick-lipped Gourami

March 13th, 2012 — 1:18pm

Despite its ease of keeping and peaceable nature, this species is not particularly popular in the hobby, although it is imported quite regularly. A gold or 'sunset' strain exists, in which the barred patterning is replaced by an overall orange/gold colouration. This is not a natural variation, but has been selectively bred for the trade. The female of this form is almost as colourful as the male.

Like others in the suborder Anabantoidei, the species possesses an accessory breathing…

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Serrasalmus geryi

Géry's Pirambeba

March 13th, 2012 — 1:18pm

S. geryi is sometimes sold as the "violet-line piranha" in reference to the unusal purple stripe that runs from the base of the lower jaw over the top of the body. It makes a stunning aquarium fish as it also possesses highly reflective scales, deep orange/red eyes and a compressed, high-bodied shape. Far from widespread in nature or the hobby, it tends to be pricey and highly sought-after when available.

There are currently 24 described species of Serrasalmus, many of which look s…

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Serrasalmus manueli


March 13th, 2012 — 1:18pm

The native name for this species is Caribito Parguasero. It's sometimes sold as the "green tiger piranha" in the trade and is usually highly coveted and expensive when available. A notoriously sensitive traveller, mortality rates are sadly quite high among imported fish. The lack of fully-grown specimens known to the hobby is also a worry, and would suggest that the majority are not being maintained correctly. This really is a species for the specialist with the resources necessar…

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Serrasalmus elongatus

Pike Piranha

March 13th, 2012 — 1:18pm

S. elongatus is known as "Caribe Pinche" in its native countries and is a rare find in the trade, tending to be quite expensive as a result. Individuals seem to vary in personality. While some are particularly fearless and will actively chase and attempt to bite hands or fingers placed in or up against the aquarium, others will always appear to be shy and nervous. The streamlined body form that gives rise to the species name is unique among serrasalmids, and has probably developed as a…

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Trichogaster fasciata

Banded Gourami

March 13th, 2012 — 1:18pm

This species is a popular food fish in it's native countries. It is not often seen for sale these days, although it is both beautiful and peaceful. The alternative common name of 'Giant Gourami' is not particularly apt, although it is the largest species in the genus.

Like others in the suborder Anabantoidei, the species possesses an accessory breathing organ known as the labyrinth organ. So-called due to its maze-like structure, this organ allows the fish to breathe atmospheri…

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Pelvicachromis taeniatus

Striped Kribensis

March 13th, 2012 — 1:18pm

This stunning species is now much more readily available than it once was. There are over a dozen morphs available, including "Dehane", "Moliwe", "Kienke", "Lobe", "Wouri", "Nigeria Red" and "Calabar". Males and females of these should not be cross bred in order to keep the lines pure.

It can be distinguished from others in the genus by the more pronounced upper lip, which is often bright yellow in colour. Males of this spe…

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Trichogaster chuna (HAMILTON, 1822)

Honey Gourami

March 13th, 2012 — 1:18pm

This species is readily available in the aquarium trade and is a good subject for those new to the hobby given its peaceable nature and relative adaptability in terms of water chemistry. It’s sold under various names including

A number of selectively-bred ornamental strains have also been produced including ‘red’, ‘sunset’, and ‘golden’, for which care is identical to the natural form.

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