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Channa burmanica CHAUDHURI, 1919

July 2nd, 2013 — 4:54pm

It’s one of several genus members to lack pelvic fins and following Chaudhuri (1919) also has 51 lateral line scales, 38 dorsal-fin rays, 28 anal-fin rays, 12 caudal-fin rays, 15 predorsal scales, pectoral-fins with alternating dark and light bands, and white-tipped dorsal…

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Channa barca (HAMILTON, 1822)

June 30th, 2013 — 4:50pm

Has been observed to inhabit vertical burrows around the margins of wetlands which typically become dry during winter months.

These burrows are most often around a metre dee…

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Channa baramensis (STEINDACHNER, 1901)

Baram Snakehead

June 30th, 2013 — 3:24pm

This species was considered a synonym of Channa melasoma for a number of years prior to its revalidation by Ng. et al. (1996).

Specimens larger than around 120 mm SL can be distinguished by possession of a black spot in the centre of numerous body scales and a barred caudal-fin pattern, characters which are missing in both C. melasoma and the similar-looking C. cyanospilos.

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Channa argus (CANTOR, 1842)

Northern Snakehead

June 30th, 2013 — 2:28pm

This species is largely unsuitable for the home aquarium given its eventual size and natural behaviour, and we know of only a handful of private aquarists with the facilities required to house it long-term.

It’s currently illegal to import or own the species in the United States, United Kingdom and several other countries unless in possession of an official license.

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Channa asiatica (LINNAEUS, 1758)

Chinese Snakehead

June 30th, 2013 — 12:58pm

No bubble nest is built and several thousand eggs simply float at the surface with both male and female remaining to defend the eggs and fry.

The eggs hatch after 24-36 hours depending on temperature and the fry are free swimming in a further 24 hours. At this point they resemble 6-7 mm long black tadpoles.

It is important to constantly feed…

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Centromochlus reticulatus (MEES, 1974)

Reticulated Driftwood Catfish

June 27th, 2013 — 8:55pm

The genus Centromochlus is diagnosable by members having the proximal anal-fin radials enlarged and fused to each other at the base, forming a single ossified structure.

It’s sometimes included in the putative subfa…

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Corydoras sp.

C115, C116

June 27th, 2013 — 8:10pm

This unidentified species was originally traded under the C-numbers C115 and C116 but these two are now thought to represent the same species, while fish collected from Manú National Park and sold as C. sp. ‘Manu 1 long nose’, C. sp. ‘Manu 4’, C. sp. ‘Manu 7’, and C. sp. ‘Manu 8’ may represent this species as well.

It’s highly variable in terms of colour patter…

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Rhinogobius mekongianus (PELLEGRIN & FANG, 1940)

June 24th, 2013 — 12:20pm

Known from various parts of the middle and upper Mekong river basins with record existing from the Nam Tha, Nam Ou, Nam Khan, Nam Lik, Nam Ngum and Nam Mang tributary systems in Laos, the Nam Noeua (a tributary of Nam Ou) in Vietnam, and the Mae Nam Kok in Thailand.

Occurrences in the Chao Phraya drainage in central Thailand most likely refer to the congener R. chiengmaiensis.

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Lamontichthys filamentosus (LA MONTE, 1935)

Sturgeon Catfish

June 23rd, 2013 — 10:08pm

This species is relatively common in the aquarium hobby but is not easy to maintain and recommended only for experienced aquarists.

It can be told apart from all congeners by specimens larger than 60 mm SL possessing an extended pectoral-fin spine forming an extremely long filament that may be more than four times the length of the first branched pectoral-fin ray (vs. not possessing such a filament in other species of Lamontichthys).

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Hypostomus sp.


June 23rd, 2013 — 9:05pm

Supposedly exported from the upper Amazon region in Peru but precise details are lacking.

It’s unclear whether this unidentified species is conspecific with the similarly nameless congener L266 or not.

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