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Axelrodia riesei GÉRY, 1966

Ruby Tetra

March 8th, 2013 — 3:35pm

This species is much rare in the hobby than its congener A. stigmatias, presumably a reflection of its more remote, restricted natural range.

The red pigmentation on the body can vary in both extent and intensity, and apparently begins to fade when the fish have been maintained in aquaria for a period.

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Trochilocharax ornatus ZARSKE, 2010

Hummingbird Tetra

March 7th, 2013 — 4:41pm

This species is not often available and is much sought after in the aquarium hobby where it’s been traded as ‘crystal rainbow tetra’ and ‘orange-tailed glass tetra’.

It’s also been referred to as a Heterocharax or Tyttocharax species in the past.

It’s currently the only member of its genus which is separated fr…

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Tucanoichthys tucano GÉRY & RÖMER, 1997

March 7th, 2013 — 2:27pm

Known only from the rio Uaupés system in Brazil with type locality ‘brook emptying into Igarape Yavuari River, tributary of River Uaupés, upper Negro River basin, 0°14’31″N, 68°03’48″W, Amazonas, Brazil’.

The full extent of its range is unclear but additional populations may exist.

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Copella eigenmanni (REGAN, 1912)

March 7th, 2013 — 11:52am

This species does appear in the aquarium trade from time-to-time, often among shipments of other wild-caught fishes from the Orinoco basin.

Populations from Colombia were formerly referred to as C. metae until Zarske (2011) synonymised the two when designating a lectoty…

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Copella callolepis (REGAN, 1912)

March 7th, 2013 — 8:50am

This species is quite common in the aquarium trade although normally misidentified as the congeners C. nattereri or the very similar C. meinkeni.

It was considered synonymous with C. nattereri for a number of years and was also referred to as C. cf. meinkeni by Zarske and Géry (2006) befo…

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Copella meinkeni ZARSKE & GÉRY, 2006

Spotted Splashing Tetra

March 6th, 2013 — 3:27pm

This species has been widely referred to as the congener C. nattereri in aquarium literature both prior to and post-publication of its official description in 2006.

The two can be told apart quite easily by the fact that C. nattereri possesses a dark lateral stripe while C. meinkeni does not.

C. meinkeni can be distinguished from all congeners by the followi…

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Copella nattereri (STEINDACHNER, 1876)

March 6th, 2013 — 11:54am

This species is sometimes traded as C. sp. ‘red line’, ‘spotted tetra’ or as its congener C. nigrofasciata.

In the past it’s name was also widely applied to the fish now identified as C. callolepis and C. meinkeni, and this misidentification continues to an extent although the two are easily-distinguished by the fact that C. nattereri is the only one of the three possessing a dark lateral stripe on each side of the body.

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Synaptolaemus latofasciatus (STEINDACHNER, 1910)

March 5th, 2013 — 9:52am

This species was described from a single specimen and included in the genus Leporinus until 2011 at which point the holotype was examined and recognised as corresponding to the fish described as Synaptolaemus cingulatus (Myers & Fernández-Yépez, 1950).

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Oryzias eversi HERDER, HADIATY & NOLTE, 2012

March 4th, 2013 — 3:54pm

The type locality is a karst pool around 30-40 m in length, 10m in width and up to 4 m deep.

It contains still, transparent water, has a single inflow and outflow, is surrounded by rainforest and in September 2010 the water temperature was 21.5°C/70.7°F.

The habitat is used by locals as a bathing pool and sympatric species included a nat…

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Copeina guttata (STEINDACHNER, 1876)

Red-spotted Tetra

March 4th, 2013 — 2:20pm

Known from the middle and upper Amazon river basins in Brazil, Peru, Ecuador and Colombia.

Type locality is ‘Amazon River at Obidos, Cudajas, and Tabatinga; Rio Negro, Brazil.’

It apparently practises an interesting reproductive strategy in which the eggs are deposited in a shallow depression excavated from the substrate and guarded by the male.

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