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Schistura kodaguensis (MENON, 1987)

January 15th, 2013 — 7:54pm

This species is not a well-known aquarium fish but is maintained by a number of Indian enthusiasts.

It can be told apart from related species by the following combination of characters as per Sreekantha et al. (2006): pectoral-fin rays 10; absence of black spot at base of dorsal-fin; presence of rows of spots on caudal-fin; lateral line incomplete; caudal-fin slightly emarginate; 11-14 vertical bars on the body.

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Schistura kengtungensis (FOWLER, 1936)

January 15th, 2013 — 7:09pm

This species is distributed in the middle Mekong River basin in north and northeastern Thailand, Myanmar and Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan province, southern China, and is also known from the Nam Beng, Nam Tha and Nam Yuoan drainages in Laos.

Type locality is ‘Laun We (Loi Mw…

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Lepidocephalichthys jonklaasi (DERANIYAGALA, 1956)

January 15th, 2013 — 4:58pm

Endemic to Sri Lanka with type locality ‘shaded pools of mountain streams at Akuressa, Southern Province, Sri Lanka, elevation 500 meters’.

It’s known from at least five localities, all of which are located in restricted to Sri Lanka’s ‘wet zone’ in the southwest of the island, with records exis…

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Lepidocephalichthys cf. irrorata HORA, 1921

Loktak Loach

January 15th, 2013 — 4:36pm

This species is not traded often but may occasionally be exported as bycatch among shipments of other species.

It can be distinguished from congeners by the following combination of characters: presence of large, exposed scales on top of head; dorsal-fin origin posterior to pelvic-fin origin; moderate to small size (to 29 mm SL); caudal-fin emarginate and with dark reticulations; caudal-fin lobes with dark, elongated spots along upper and lower edges.

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Schistura sp. 7

January 9th, 2013 — 8:31pm

This fish was collected for the aquarium trade during 2012 but its identity has not yet been established.

Schistura is the most species-rich genus among nemacheilid loaches with some 190 members and it continues to grow with over 100 having be…

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Schistura sp. 6

January 9th, 2013 — 7:43pm

This fish was collected for the aquarium trade during 2012 but its identity has not yet been established.

The fish in our images were obtained at an unspecified locality in the Garo Hills, these for…

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Sinogastromyzon tonkinensis PELLEGRIN & CHEVEY, 1935

January 9th, 2013 — 5:23pm

At the type locality of the congener S. lixianjiangensis sympatric species included Balitora kwangsiensis, Glyptothorax quadriocellatus, Garra orientalis, Hemibagrus pluriradtus, Poropuntius huangchieni, Pseudecheneis paviei,…

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Gastromyzon lepidogaster ROBERTS, 1982

January 9th, 2013 — 1:05pm

This species is variable in terms of colour. Large adults may be bright green, orange or barred but are apparently capable of changing from barred to plain in just a few seconds.

These different forms have been recorded in the same natural habitats, and some individuals also possess prominent nuptial tubercules covering much of the body.

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Schistura jarutanini KOTTELAT, 1990

January 8th, 2013 — 4:29pm

This species’ conservation status clearly precludes its suitability as an aquarium fish so it’s included here for reasons of interest only. It’s protected by Thai national law and illegal to remove from its habitat.

Species exhibiting morphological, physiological or behavioral adaptations to a subterranean existence are often referred to as troglomorphic.

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Schistura disparizona ZHOU & KOTTELAT, 2005

January 8th, 2013 — 3:49pm

Can be told apart from congeners by its colour pattern which consists of 8-11 closely-set, narrow dark bars in the anterior part of the body and 5 wider bars in the posterior part. It also possesses prominent dorsal and ventral adipose crests on the caudal peduncle and 9½ branched dorsal-fin rays.

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