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Apistogramma eremnopyge READY & KULLANDER, 2004


March 26th, 2012 — 9:36am

Known only from Loreto region in northeastern (Amazonian) Peru.

Type locality is ‘Río Pintuyacu, 48 kilometers on road from Iquitos to Nauta, Río Itaya drainage, Province Loreto, Peru’ and it’s also been recorded from tributaries of the Nanay system in the same area.

An additional population is known from the Río Tapiche, a tributary of the Río Ucayali located well over 150 km further south.

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Apistogramma elizabethae KULLANDER, 1980


March 26th, 2012 — 8:39am

The form from the rio Içana tends to have more blue markings on the head than that from the Uaupés, while a reddish population apparently collected close to the settlement of Tucana (sometimes mis-spelled ‘Tucano’) on the Uaupés is sometimes traded as A. elizabethae ‘super red’.

Apistogramma is among the most speciose of South American cichlid genera with around 70 species valid at present but many more awaiting description.

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Apistogramma barlowi RÖMER & HAHN, 2008


March 25th, 2012 — 9:19pm

This species has been assigned the code A174 under the DATZ system, and is also known by the trade names A. sp. ‘Maulbrüter/mouthbrooder’, A. sp. ‘Glaser’ (these referring to the ‘red’ colour form) and A. sp. ‘Hauswell’ (referring to the ‘white’ colour form).

It can be told apart from other members of the genus most eas…

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Apistogramma baenschi RÖMER, HAHN, RÖMER, SOARES & WÖHLER, 2004


March 25th, 2012 — 6:52pm

This species is assigned the code A188 under the DATZ system and is also known by the trade names A. sp. ‘Inca/Inka’, A. sp. ‘Inka 50’, A. sp. ‘highfin nijsseni’, A. sp. ‘Nijsseni 2’, A. sp. ‘red crescent’ or A. baenschi ‘Inca’.

It’s among those members of the genus produced on a commercial basis and is regularly available in the aquarium trade.

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Aphyosemion bivittatum (LÖNNBERG, 1895)

March 21st, 2012 — 4:11pm

Type locality is close to a waterfall on the Ndian River in southwestern Cameroon, and appears restricted to the coastal plains either side of the border between Cameroon and Nigeria, including the Korup and Cross River National Parks.

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Aphyosemion bitaeniatum (AHL, 1924)

March 21st, 2012 — 3:59pm

This species is widely-distributed in lowland, coastal regions of Togo, Benin and Nigeria as far as the Cross River delta, and occurs at some inland localities along the lower Niger River. Populations in Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea and Gabon are now considered to represent other species.

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Aphyosemion herzogi RADDA, 1975

March 21st, 2012 — 2:47pm

Described from northern Gabon, close to ‘Zoumoukou’, which is seeen on modern maps as ‘Zomoko’, but has a much wider distribution extending into Equatorial Guinea (upper parts of some Benito River tributaries), and southern Cameroon (Ntem River), as well as the Ivindo and Okano drainages in Gabon, the latter pair both tributaries of the much larger Ogooué system.

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Aphyosemion decorsei (PELLEGRIN, 1904)

March 21st, 2012 — 2:10pm

Type locality is the settlement of Bessou, Lobaye prefecture, Central African Republic, which lies within the Ubangi (also spelled Oubangui) River basin. The Ubangi is a major tributary of the Congo River and this species appears restricted to its middle section and thus probably extends into northern Republic of Congo and Democratic Republic of Congo.

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Aphyosemion congicum (AHL, 1924)

March 21st, 2012 — 1:55pm

The type series was derived from a commercial shipment and this species’ natural range remains unconfirmed. It may be restricted to the area between the Kwango and Gamba rivers, the latter a tributary of the former, in western Democratic Republic of Congo. The Kwango is itself a tributary of the Kasai, an affluent of the Congo.

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Aphyosemion cognatum MEINKEN, 1951

March 21st, 2012 — 1:00pm

The type material was derived from a commercial shipment of fishes from Leopoldville, now Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, and presumed to have been collected in the vicinity. The precise extent of its distribution unknown but appears extensive in the middle and lower Congo regions, with specimen collected from Lac Fwa (Sankuru River drainage, a Congo River tributary), many hundreds of kilometres west of Kinshasa, identified as belonging to this species.

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