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Betta channoides KOTTELAT & NG, 1994

Snakehead Betta

March 13th, 2012 — 1:24pm

B. channoides and B. albimarginata together comprise the Betta albimarginata group/complex of closely-related species within the genus, these differing from all other members of the genus in colour pattern and by possession of 9-12 anal-fin spines (vs. 0-4). They look very similar to one another but differ in the following characters: anal fin spines 9-11 in B. albimarginata vs. 12 in B. channoides; anal fin rays 21-23 vs. 23-25; lateral scale rows 26-27 vs. 27.5-28; trans…

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Betta rubra PERUGIA, 1893

March 13th, 2012 — 1:24pm

This species was previously included in the Betta foerschi group of closely-related species within the genus, but following its redescription in 2012 now lends its name to the B. rubra group.

It was first placed into its own species group by Witte and Schmidt (1992), primarily on the basis of a triangular marking that appears below the eyes of the fish, although Tan and Ng (2005) suggested that this feature is insufficient to warrant the fo…

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Betta rutilans WITTE & KOTTELAT, 1991

March 13th, 2012 — 1:24pm

This species is included in the B. coccina group/complex of closely-related Betta species within the genus. This assemblage mostly comprises small, red-coloured fishes, with the exceptions of B. persephone and B. miniopinna which are darkish, and identifying some of them can be problematic as external patterning can be both similar and confusingly variable.

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Betta dimidiata ROBERTS, 1989

March 13th, 2012 — 1:24pm

This species is often confused with B. krataios in the aquarium trade, the latter having been known as B. sp. ‘Kapuas’ prior to description. The two can easily be told apart as the caudal-fin is rounded in B. krataios but spade-shaped and in adults, highly-extended in B. dimidiata.

Together these two comprise the B. dimidiata group of closely-related species within the gen…

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Betta falx TAN & KOTTELAT, 1998

March 13th, 2012 — 1:24pm

B. falx is included in the Betta picta group/complex of closely-related species within the genus, an assemblage comprising species with the following shared characters: unpaired fins rounded (anal-fin sometimes tapering to a blunt point); anal-fin rays I-III, 18-24; dark marginal band on anal and caudal fins, more pronounced in mature males; presence of pre-orbital and post-orbital stripes; presence of chin bar on throat; iridescent green, gold, or blue scales on opercle.

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Betta simorum TAN & NG, 1996

March 13th, 2012 — 1:24pm

This species is included in the B. bellica group/complex of closely-related species within the genus, an assemblage of which members share the following set of characters: long and slender body with dorsal and ventral margins almost parallel; body depth 23-28 % SL; 30-33 anal-fin rays; 11-13 dorsal-fin rays; 32-34 total vertebrae; body dark brown in colour with iridescent green markings on each individual scale.

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Betta taeniata REGAN, 1910

March 13th, 2012 — 1:24pm

At one locality close to Serian, Sarawak, the habitat comprised a swiftly-flowing, clear hill stream with a substrate of quartz gravel and variably-sized rocks. The pH was 7.0 and there was no aquatic vegetation. The stream was approximately 10 metres across at its widest point and between 5-80 cm deep. B. taeniata was found in sluggish stretches among submerged tree roots, leaf litter, or overhanging riparian vegetation.

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Betta tussyae SCHALLER, 1985

March 13th, 2012 — 1:24pm

This poorly-known betta is included in the B. coccina group of closely-related species within the genus.

This assemblage mostly comprises small, red-coloured fishes, with the exceptions of B. persephone and B. miniopinna which are darkish, and identifying some of them can be problematic as external patt…

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Betta raja TAN & NG, 2005

March 13th, 2012 — 1:24pm

It should be noted that not all authors consider the B. pugnax group to contain the same species, with some placed in the B. picta complex by Schindler and Schmidt (2006), for example.

B. raja can be told apart from other members of the B. pugnax group by the following characters: mature males with very long pelvic fins covering 15-23 anal-fin rays or even longer than the base of the anal-fin in some cases; anal-fin and lower caudal-fin with black marginal bands; 25-28 anal-fin rays; 30-32 lat…

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Betta macrostoma REGAN, 1910

Brunei Beauty

March 13th, 2012 — 1:24pm

B. macrostoma is included in the Betta unimaculata complex of closely-related species within the genus, of which members share the following set of characters: body long and slender with depth at dorsal fin origin 18-25 % SL; head large and blunt with width 19-24 % SL; long maxilla and lower lip with distance from tip of lower jaw to posterior end of maxilla 27-54 % HL; caudal-fin rounded in shape, occasionally with elongated median rays; pelvic-fin short and filamentous; dorsal and anal fins relatively pointed.

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