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Rasbosoma spilocerca

Dwarf Scissortail Rasbora

March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm

This miniature look-a-like of the popular Rasbora trilineata is rarely seen in the aquatic hobby, probably as a result of its relatively plain patterning and rather delicate nature. However if a group is well looked-after they will exhibit some interesting behaviour and surprising colour. As it also makes an ideal resident of the ornamental planted aquaria that are currently so popular in the hobby we'd love to see it become more widely-available.

The genus is currently monotypic and dis…


Trigonopoma pauciperforatum (WEBER & DE BEAUFORT, 1916)

Glowlight Rasbora

March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm

This species is also sold as the ‘redline’ rasbora which is something of a misnomer as in reality the colour of the lateral stripe that gives rise to the name can vary from deep orange to golden depending upon the collection locality of the fish as well as diet, condition, and even mood. Some specimens also have a second, darkish stripe beneath the other which seems to vary in length and intensity depending on a similar array of factors. Older fish tend to possess a greater degree of black edging to the scales, especially in the ventral portion of the body.

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Rasbora elegans

Elegant Rasbora

March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm

This species is not especially popular in the hobby and is only infrequently seen on sale. It is clearly distinguishable from similar-looking members of the genus by lacking a dark stripe along the lateral line. Instead it possesses two spot-like markings on each flank, one below theorigin and lateral line and another at the caudal peduncle. The intensity of these can vary depending on the collection locality of the fish and they can be quite faint in some forms. There is also a third, smaller m…

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Rasbora einthovenii

Brilliant Rasbora

March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm

This is one of the more commonly-seen rasboras in the hobby and is ideal for the medium-sized community set-up. It shares some close similarities with R. jacobsoni but can be most easily identified by the fact it lacks dark reticulated scales above the lateral stripe. This stripe also has noticeably more uneven or "crinkly" edges in R. einthovenii than in R. jacobsoni or indeed any other species of laterally-striped Rasbora. A further distinguishing combination of characters for both t…

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Brevibora dorsiocellata (DUNCKER, 1904)

Eyespot Rasbora

March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm

B. dorsiocellata is sometimes traded as ‘green-eyed’, ’emerald-eyed’ or ‘hi-spot’ rasbora. There appear to exist several geographical forms of the species at least two of which have been seen in the trade. The most common is the rather plain-coloured fish that is produced commercially in large numbers and has gained popularity due to the bright green/blue reflective patch in the lower part of the eye.

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Rasbora cephalotaenia

Porthole Rasbora

March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm

This species is not often exported which is a shame as it makes an elegant, peaceful resident of the larger community tank. It can be easily distinguished from similar-looking congeners such as R. einthovenii and R. jacobsoni by examining the dark lateral stripe that extends lengthways along the body of the fish as in R. cephalotaenia it is composed of a series of dark spots whereas in the other species it forms a continous solid line.

Rainboth's 'Fishes of the Cambodian Mekong&#039…

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Rasbora caudimaculata

Greater Scissortail Rasbora

March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm

This striking species may also be seen on sale with the trade name of 'red scissortail'. It can be distinguished from the similar-looking R. trilineata by the presence of orange/red colouration in the with other diagnostic features including black tips to the caudal lobes, 11-12 predorsal scale rows and a dark reticulated pattern to the edges of the scales. The 'scissortail' moniker is derived from the characteristic twitching motion of the when the fish is at rest.


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Desmopuntius rhomboocellatus (KOUMANS, 1940)

Snakeskin Barb

March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm

Endemic to southern Kalimantan, the Indonesian portion of Borneo where it’s been recorded from several river systems including the Kapuas, Kepayang, Barito and Kahajan. Type locality is given as ‘Canal along the highway from Oelin to Bandjermasin, about 15 kilometers from Bandjermasin, Borneo.’

Often referred to as the ‘rhomb’ or ‘rhombo’ barb and included in a group of closely-related, similar-looking congeners which also includes…

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Pethia phutunio (HAMILTON, 1822)

Dwarf Barb

March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm

In P. phutonio the flank markings comprise two black, vertically-orientated blotches, one posterior to the operculum and the other on the caudal peduncle, and within the P. conchonius group this patterning is shared with P. bandula, P. cumingii, P. didi, P. meingangbii, P. padamya, and P. tiantian.

It can be told apart from these by the following combination of characters: smaller adult size of 25 – 30 mm vs. at least 35 – 40 mm; minute maxillary barbels; incomplete lateral line with ab…

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Puntigrus partipentazona (FOWLER, 1934)

March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm

Recorded from numerous river basins in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Peninsular Malaysia, including the Mekong, Chao Phraya, Mae Khlong, Chanthaburi, Tapi, Golok, Terengganu, Pahang, Endau, and Muar.

Type locality is ‘Kratt, southeastern Siam’, which corresponds to modern-day Trat Province, Thailand.

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