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Pethia setnai CHHAPGAR & SANE, 1992

Narayan Barb

March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm

This species is widely referred to and traded as the congener ‘Puntiusnarayani (Hora, 1937). The precise identity of the latter is in doubt, however, plus P. setnai possesses a serrated dorsal-fin spine whereas ‘P.

It was formerly included in the Puntius conchonius ‘group’ of closely-related species alongside P. ater, P. bandula, P. conchonius, P. cumingii, P. erythromycter,…

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Barbodes kuchingensis (HERRE, 1940)

False Spanner Barb

March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm

This species is rarely-exported for the aquarium hobby but is available on occasion. The name ‘P.kuchingensis is frequently misapplied, however, with subadult forms of ‘P.everetti and some populations of the geographically-variable ‘P.lateristriga regularly traded as such, for example.

Though closely-affiliated with and superficially very similar to…

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Desmopuntius johorensis (DUNCKER, 1904)

Striped Barb

March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm

D. johorensis can be distinguished by the following combination of characters: 5-6 dark, lateral stripes on body in specimens larger than 40 mm; stripes immediately above and below the central stripe (stripes ‘+1’ and ‘-1’, respectively) located on scale rows +2 and -2, not touching dorsal and ventral midlines (except in some small specimens from Peninsular Malaysia); stripes broad, typically between 0.5-1 scale rows deep…

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Pethia cumingii (GÜNTHER, 1868)

Cuming's Barb

March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm

For many years this species was considered to occur in two colour forms with yellow or red dorsal, anal, and pelvic fins, respectively, but the red-finned variant has now been elevated to full species status as P. reval (Meegaskumbura et al. 2008). The latter is a smaller fish with a maximum SL of 33.6 mm recorded to date.

As well as the obvious differences in body size and fin colour P. cumingii can be told apart from P. reval by the following…

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Osteochilus hasseltii

Hard-lipped Barb

March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm

There are currently 34 described species of Osteochilus although none can be considered popular in the aquarium hobby. According to Rainboth's 'Fishes of the Cambodian Mekong' members of the genus are characterised by lack of aspine, presence of 11-18rays, large rostral and maxillary barbels, papillae on both upper and lower lips, darkened but not black median fins and the fact that the lower lip is not separated from the isthmus by a deep post-labial groove. O. hasseltii can be f…

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Oreichthys crenuchoides SCHÄFER, 2009

Drape Fin Barb

March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm

This fish is sometimes traded as Oreichthys cosuatis, O. sp. ‘high fin’, O. ‘umangii’ (a nomen nudum that has only ever been applied to an image of a fish in the book ‘Ornamental Aquarium Fish of India’; K. L.Tekriwal and A. A. Rao 1999), Puntius ‘arunavii’ or ‘neon highfin barb’.

It can be distinguished from congeners by the following combination of characters: absence of a dark marking in the anal-fin (vs. presence in other species); ½7½ scales scales between pelvic-fin origin and dorsal midline (vs. ½6½ in O. cosuatis and…

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Mystacoleucus obtusirostris (VALENCIENNES, 1842)

March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm

This species is occasionally marketed as ‘Burmese Rainbow Barb’ in the ornamental trade. others may have been exported in small numbers or as bycatch among shipments of other species.

It was referred to as Mystacoleucus marginatus for decades, but that name is a simultaneous subjective synonym of M. obtusirostris following Kottelat (2013).

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Microrasbora rubescens ANNANDALE, 1918

Red Dwarf 'Rasbora'

March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm

This species may be seen on sale under various trade names including ‘red-line dwarf rasbora’, ’emerald dwarf rasbora’, or ‘red dwarf rasbora’. A similar-looking, apparently undescribed congener has been collected near the town of Hopong, also in Shan State. It differs from M. rubescens by possessing a greenish to bluish lateral stripe plus a larger adult size, and is traded as Microrasbora cf. rubescens, M. ‘thuzari’, M. sp. ‘rose blue line’, ‘Asian Cardinal Rasbora’, or ‘flame red rasbora’.

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Luciosoma spilopleura BLEEKER, 1855

March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm

This species is poorly known in general and is not present in the ornamental trade, although its name is widely misapplied to other Luciosoma species. Its congeners are mostly marketed as ‘apollo shark’, ‘shark minnow’, or similar, and often labelled with incorrect scientific names.

Identification of the fish pictured here is based on Bleeker (1855, 1860) and Roberts (1989), plus drawings by Bleeker, thus…

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Leptobarbus rubripinna (FOWLER, 1937)

Red-finned Cigar Shark

March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm

This species was referred to as its congener Leptobarbus hoevenii for a number of decades and continues to be misidentified as such in the aquarium hobby, with both species traded under the same name.

It is a popular sport fish in its native countries and is wholly unsuitable for private aquaria. Unfortunately it is…

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