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Inlecypris auropurpurea (ANNANDALE, 1918)

March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm

Originally described as a member of Barilius (Annandale, 1918) but Howes (1980a) considered it more closely related to cheline cyprinids (Chela and Laubuca spp.) based on morphological characters and erected the genus Inlecypris for it (Howes, 1980b). Fang (2003) supported Howes’ conclusions in her 2003 phylogenetic study of the genus Danio, hypothesising that Inlecypris and Chela together form a sister group to Devario.

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Hypselobarbus jerdoni

Jerdon's Carp

March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm

There are currently eleven species in the genus most of which have previously been included in Puntius, Barbus and the now defunct genus Gonoproktopterus. Of these the only ones we've seen in the trade are H. jerdoni and H. curmuca although it's possible that others have been exported in small numbers or as contaminants among shipments of other species. Even these two are very rarely encountered and little has been written about the group as a whole….

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Garra flavatra KULLANDER & FANG, 2004

Panda Garra

March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm

Garra species are usually included in the subfamily Labeoninae/Cyprininae (name varies with author) which by current thinking is further divided into several tribes and subtribes (Stiassny and Getahun, 2007). The putatively monophyletic subtribe Garraina comprises Garra plus numerous other genera including the well-known Crossocheilus and Epalzeorhynchos.

Within this division their closest relatives are members of Discogobio, Discocheilus and Placocheilus (the lat…

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Hampala macrolepidota KUHL & VAN HASSELT, 1823

Hampala Barb

March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm

This species is also known by the vernacular ‘jungle perch’ or ‘sidebar barb’ and should not be considered an aquarium subject in all but the most extreme circumstances since it can grow to over 2 feet in length, weigh in excess of 5 kg and is a powerful, pelagic predator. It’s also a popular sport fish with a reputation for striking hard.

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Esomus metallicus AHL, 1923

Striped Flying Barb

March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm

There currently exist a dozen described Esomus spp. alhough few are seen in the aquarium trade and none are especially popular. Most are commonplace in their native countries and also quite plainly-patterned so generally overlooked by collectors. Their most common use in some areas is actually as a feeder fish in the aquaculture of larger species. They’re characterised by greatly-enlarged pectoral fins and two pairs of barbels, of which the maxillary pair are extremely long and usually reach the pectoral fins.

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Eirmotus octozona SCHULTZ, 1959

March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm

E. octozona can be told apart from congeners by the following combination of characters: bar 1 present; presence of a large and distinct black mark anterior to anus, visible in lateral and ventral views; simple dorsal-fin rays black, sometimes extending onto first branched ray; other rays hyaline or with diffused chromatophores on last dorsal-fin ray, adjacent to upper extremity of bar 6; 25-31 serrae on last simple dorsal-fin ray; uppermost ray of pectoral-fin with faint black margin; width of bar 5 equal to 1-1½ lat…

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Discherodontus ashmeadi (FOWLER, 1937)

March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm

D. ashmeadi is the type species and exhibits differences in dental morphology compared with other members of the genus. It can also be told apart from D. halei by the red/pink (vs. orange) colouration in the dorsal and anal fins and serrated (vs. smooth) dorsal spine. D. schroederi is also similar-looking but as it matures the prominent dark dorsal blotch fades to a thin dark distal band whereas in D. ashmeadi it is retained throughout life.

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Devario regina (FOWLER, 1934)

Queen 'Danio'

March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm

Probably restricted to western and southern Thailand and northern Peninsular Malaysia plus some small surrounding islands.

In Thailand records exist from Surat Thani (Ko Samui island), Nakhon Si Thammarat, Ranong, Trang, Phuket, Ratchaburi, Kanchanaburi, and Mae Hong Son provinces while in Peninsular Malaysia it’s been collected from Perak and Kedah states, including th…

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Devario malabaricus (JERDON, 1849)

Giant 'Danio'

March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm

This species is frequently confused with the congener D. aequipinnatus auct. but their identitities are in a state of confusion, particularly that of the latter. There are however a handful of characters which separate these two nominal species from one another.

D. malabaricus possesses a moderately deep body, 35-38 scales in the lateral se…

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Brachydanio rosea (FANG & KOTTELAT, 2000)

Rosy 'Danio'

March 13th, 2012 — 1:23pm

B. rosea is a relatively recent addition to the aquarium trade but has proved very popular since it’s colourful, hardy and usually quite cheap making it ideal for beginners. It’s sometimes sold as ‘purple passion danio’.

It’s very similar to B. albolineata sensu stricto but differs in several characters, notably the relatively slimmer body, shorter rostral barbels and lack of…

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