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Sicyopus discordipinnis WATSON, 1995


Order: Perciformes Family: Gobiidae


Type locality is ‘Letak Creek, 25 kilometers southeast of Wewak, Papua New Guinea’ with additional records from northern New Guinea and the islands of Normanby, New Hanover, and Bougainville off the northeastern coast of Papua New Guinea.


Members of this genus are near-exclusive inhabitants of short coastal streams on tropical, often volcanic, islands, with typical habitats lying above waterfalls or cataracts. This makes them inaccessible to the majority of fishes although other gobies from the genus Stiphodon often occur syntopically, while amphidromous Macrobrachium spp. shrimp and neritid snails are the commonest invertebrates to be found.

Substrates are normally of bedrock with scattered jumbles of rocks and boulders, and while riparian/stream-side vegetation and submerged leaf litter are common aquatic plants aren’t usually present. The most favourable habitats all contain very clear, well-oxygenated water which, allied with the tropical sun, facilitates the development of a rich biofilm carpeting submerged surfaces.

Sicyopus spp. are such successful colonisers of these niche environments due to aspects of their morphology which allow them to utilise available food sources as well as employing a remarkable breeding strategy in which some species are known to climb waterfalls (see ‘Reproduction’).

Maximum Standard Length

The largest officially-recorded specimen measured 30 mm, but it may grow a little larger.

Aquarium SizeTop ↑

An aquarium with base dimensions of 60 ∗ 30 cm or equivalent should be large enough for a pair or small group but use something bigger if you want to keep multiple species together since males are likely territorial to an extent.


These gobies aren’t too difficult to keep provided some basic requirements are met. Most importantly the water must be clean and well-oxygenated at all times so we suggest the use of either an over-sized filter, additional powerheads, flow pumps, or airstones. While torrential conditions are unnecessary a turnover of 10-15 times tank volume per hour is recommended, though with good oxygenation a lower rate of 5-10 times per hour is feasible.

Base substrate can either be of gravelsand or a mixture of both to which should be added a layer of water-worn rocks and pebbles of varying sizes, of which some should ideally be raised with flattended upper surfaces. Aged driftwood can also be used but avoid new pieces since these usually leach tannins which discolour the water and reduce the effectiveness of artificial lighting, and these gobies naturally dwell in very clear water.

If keeping multiple males of one or more species structure the rockwork to form plenty of potential hiding places and broken lines-of-sight to reduce the likelihood of excessive aggression. Although not a feature of this species‘ natural habitat aquatic plants can be used with hardier genera such as MicrosorumCrinum, and Anubias likely to fare best.

Since they require stable water conditions these fishes should never be added to immature set-ups and a tightly-fitting cover is necessary since they’re able to climb glass and are prodigious jumpers. Weekly water changes of 30-50% tank volume should also be considered mandatory.

Water Conditions

Temperature: 22 – 26 °C; increased surface agitation is required to maintain dissolved oxygen levels towards the upper end of this range.

pH6.0 – 7.5

Hardness36 – 215 ppm


Probably a specialised predator as per other members of the genus.

Behaviour and CompatibilityTop ↑

Should be suitable for a community provided tankmates are chosen with care. Peaceful, pelagic species which naturally inhabit well-oxygenated streams such as TanichthysMicrodevario, or smaller Danio species are the best choices for the upper levels, but we’ve also seen members of this genus being maintained with various characins, small poeciliid livebearers and freshwater shrimp from the genera Caridinia and Neocaridina.

Other bottom-dwellers can include small loaches from genera such as GastromyzonPseudogastromyzonBarbucca, or Acanthopsoides, and in high-turnover set-ups obligate torrent-dwellers like AnnamiaHomaloptera, etc. Avoid those that feed aggressively or are territorial, e.g., many Schistura spp.

Bigger fishes are best omitted entirely although in large set-ups it may be possible to add a few non-predatory, surface-dwelling species. The majority of cichlids and other territorial fishes inhabiting the lower reaches should be avoided entirely though.

Sicyopus spp. only appear to be loosely territorial when breeding so several can be kept together if sufficient space and suitable foods are available, and other stream-dwelling gobies such as StiphodonSicyopterusRhinogobius, or Schismatogobius spp. also make good companions.

Though males aren’t necessarily gregarious females tend to exist in loose groups meaning a single male with two or more females is the recommended minimum purchase. Females of different species will group together but males appear able to differentiate between them.

Sexual Dimorphism

Unconfirmed, but females should be much plainer than males in terms of colour pattern.


Observations of courtship behaviour and the occasional spawning exist but to date no-one has managed to raise fry of any Sicyopus species in aquaria.

This is undoubtedly attributable to their complex amphidromous breeding strategy in which adults live and spawn in freshwater streams with the initially pelagic post-hatch larvae are washed downstream where the post-larval fry spend the first part of their life developing in marine conditions. Once they reach a certain stage of development they begin to migrate upstream, a journey which sometimes includes spectacular climbs up and over waterfalls or other obstructions.

Amphidromy isn’t unique to members of Sicyopus and the strategy is employed by various related genera in the family Gobiidae alone. McDowall (2007) gave a list of potential benefits to fishes employing such a breeding strategy, hypothesising that it may facilitate colonisation of new islands emerging in volcanic areas and/or allow recolonisation of streams following events such as volcanic eruptions/rapid changes in water flow during the wet season.

NotesTop ↑

This species is not in the aquarium trade but may have been maintained by a handful of private collectors.

Watson (1999) defined three subgenera within Sicyopus based mostly on dental morphology. <i>Juxtastiphodon</i> has closely-set, conical teeth in both jaws of which none are recurved, and lacks canines. <i>Sicyopus</i> has widely-spaced conical teeth in both jaws of which most are sharply recurved, and lacks canines. <i>Smilosicyopus</i> has slightly recurved conical teeth in the anterior portions of both jaws which are needle-like teeth laterally and not recurved, with 1-3 canines between the anterior and lateral teeth.

Keith et al. (2011) elevated Smilosicyopus to genus level based on the results of their phylogenetic analyses within which Sicyopus zosterophorus and species of the subgenus Smilosicyopus did not group together, thus rendering Sicyopus polyphyletic. The three Smilosicyopus spp. were found to form a single, well-defined clade with the genus Stiphodon as sister group while S. zosterophorus was recovered in a different clade and appeared more closely-related with members of Akihito and Lentipes.

A nomenclatural change was thus required and since S. zosterophorus is the type species of Sicyopus it retained the name with Smilosicyopus used for the other clade as previously suggested by Watson. No Juxtastiphodon species were included in the study.

The Gobiidae is the most speciose vertebrate family and notoriously problematic in terms of identifying members down to species level. Sicyopus is often included in the putative subfamily Sicydiinae which currently contains at least eight other generaAkihitoCotylopusLentipesParasicyidiumSicydiumSicyopterusSmilosicyopus, and StiphodonSicyopusSmilosicyopus, and Lentipes species are omnivorous or carnivorous whereas the others are mostly herbivorous.

All share a similar life-history with many endemic to a particular island or group of islands, though a few are widespread. They also share some morphological characters including pelvic fins modified into a sucking disc with a strong spine and thickened, highly-branched rays, at the posterior edge of which the pelvic-fin spines and first ray are joined by a membrane forming ‘fleshy pads’ at the tips of the spines. The tongue is also fused to the base of the mouth, a feature shared by some other gobiids.

The fused pelvic fins form a structure normally referred to as the ‘pelvic disc‘, a common feature among gobiids which is used to adhere to rocks and other submerged surfaces. In Sicyopus, as in Stiphodon, this is short-based and attached to the belly only between the fifth pair of fin rays whereas in other sicydiines it’s attached between all five rays (Watson, 2005).

The role of the disc in ascending waterfalls and cascades has given rise to the common names of ‘rock-climbing’ or ‘cling’ gobies for members of the Sicydiinae in general. They’re also sometimes referred to as ‘toothed-lip’ gobies in reference to the outwardly-orientated, replaceable teeth of the upper jaw.

Many of those being imported for the aquarium trade have proven difficult to identify for a number of reasons including:

– taxonomic confusion.
– lack of aquarium literature.
– incorrect labelling by exporters and subsequently shops.
– historical over-use of some names.
– likely trade of undescribed species without locality data.
– mixing of species at export facilities.


  1. Keith, P., C. Lord, J. Lorion, S. Watanabe, K. Tsukamoto, A. Couloux, and A. Dettai, 2010 - Marine Biology 158(2): 311-326
    Phylogeny and biogeography of Sicydiinae (Teleostei: Gobiidae) inferred from mitochondrial and nuclear genes.
  2. McDowall, R. M., 2007 - Fish and Fisheries 8(1): 1-13
    On amphidromy, a distinct form of diadromy in aquatic organisms.
  3. McDowall, R. M., 2009 - Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 19(1): 1-8
    Early hatch: a strategy for safe downstream larval transport in amphidromous gobies.
  4. Parenti, L. R. and K. R. Thomas, 1998 - Journal of Morphology 237(3): 257-274
    Pharyngeal Jaw Morphology and Homology in Sicydiine Gobies (Teleostei: Gobiidae) and Allies.
  5. Watson, R. E., 1999 - Aqua, Journal of Ichthyology and Aquatic Biology 3(3): 93-104
    Two new subgenera of Sicyopus, with a redescription of Sicyopus zosterophorum (Teleostei: Gobioidei: Sicydiinae).
  6. Watson, R. E. and M. Kottelat, 2006 - Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters 17(2): 121-128
    Two new freshwater gobies from Halmahera, Maluku, Indonesia (Teleostei: Gobioidei: Sicydiinae).

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