Trachydoras steindachneri
Fairly widespread. It’s been recorded in parts of the Amazon basin in Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia and Brazil.
Maximum Standard Length
3.8″ (8.6cm)
Aquarium SizeTop ↑
36″ x 15″ x 12″ (90cm x 37.5cm x 30cm) – 100 litres
This species will appreciate a densely planted tank with an abundance of hiding places in the form of caves, bogwood and flowerpots. Dimmed lighting will add to the fish’s sense of security. Still or slow water flow is preferred but not critical.
Water Conditions
Temperature: 76 – 78°F (24 – 26°C)
pH: 6.0 – 7.0
Hardness: Up to 20°H
Bottom feeder so sinking foods are advised. Catfish pellets, algae wafers and granular foods will all be accepted. Live and frozen foods should form a regular part of the diet. It is a good idea to add food to the aquarium just before lights out as the fish is primarily nocturnal. This will ensure the fish gets its fair share of food!
Behaviour and CompatibilityTop ↑
Community fish suitable for a variety of setups including smaller fish such as tetras and barbs and can also be kept with peaceful dwarf cichlids and gouramis.
Sexual Dimorphism
Not known
Not achieved in the hobby
NotesTop ↑
A rare sepcies in the hobby that is seldom offered for sale.