Crenicichla proteus
Proteus Pike Cichlid
Cichlidae. Subfamily: Cichlinae
Ecuador, Peru and Brazil. In Ecuador it’s known from the Rio Napo and Rio Putumayo. In Peru it’s range extends from the Rio Ucayali to the Rio Pebas. Populations have also been recorded from the Rio Purus in Brazil.
Well planted shallows.
Maximum Standard Length
6″ (15cm)
Aquarium SizeTop ↑
48″ x 15″ x 12″ (120cm x 37.5cm x 30cm) – 140 litres
Sand substrate is recommended. This species is likely to dig and arrange the decor to suit itself. Some rockwork should be provided to form caves as pikes like to have an area to which they can retreat. Plants should be robust, ideally potted or rooted to bogwood.
Water Conditions
Temperature: 76 – 80°F (24 – 27°C)
pH: 6.0 – 7.0
Hardness: Up to 15°H
Feed a varied diet including a good quality cichlid pellet or flake, live or frozen foods, such as bloodworm or brineshrimp and vegetable matter in the form of spirulina or algae wafers.
Behaviour and CompatibilityTop ↑
Can be aggressive, especially towards conspecifics. may be kept with other larger cichlids or as a species only setup. Likely to eat any fish small enough to be considered food – and they have big mouths!
Sexual Dimorphism
Male is larger and likely to be more prominently marked.
Has not been bred in the hobby.
NotesTop ↑
Crenicichla proteus is occasionally offered for sale. It is one of the smaller pike cichlids, although more than makes up for that in terms of aggression!